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RV reach Aquanita decision

3 minute read

72 starters disqualified, owners off the hook

Robert Smerdon. Picture: Racing and Sports

Racing Victoria confirmed on Tuesday their decision to disqualify all 72 Aquanita starters, but announced that they will not seek the repayment of prize-money from disgraced trainers Robert Smerdon, Tony Vasil, and Stuart Webb.

“Having thoroughly considered the matter, the RV Board has determined that it will not exercise its discretionary powers and demand the repayment of prize-money, except from those persons who were disqualified during the Aquanita case,” the statement read.

RV Chairman, Brian Kruger, described the decision to allow Aquanita owners and connections to retain their prize-money as “difficult".

“This was a difficult decision for the Board to make knowing that there were pros and cons with the various options available to it. In making its determination, the Board was ultimately guided by the principle of what is in the best overall interests of Victorian racing and a desire to apply a consistent determination for owners across all disqualified starters."