

Title Fighter

Title Fighter is a thoroughbred horse born in Australia in 2001. Race horse Title Fighter is by Quest For Fame (GB) out of Oak Bell (FR) , trained by Raquel Mills. Title Fighter form is available here. Owned by MRS R M TURNER, G MUMFORD, G F SCHOFIELD, M W STONEMAN, G PHEASE, A P TERRY, P J MC PHERSONPINK, WHITE SPOTS AND CAP..


Sire Quest For Fame (GB) 1987
Dam Oak Bell (FR)1984 [By Bellypha (IRE) 1986]

About the horse

Description 23yo B Gelding
Trainer Raquel Mills
Owner Mrs R M Turner, G Mumford, G F Schofield, M W Stoneman, G Phease, A P Terry, P J Mc Phersonpink, White Spots And Cap.
Total PM AUD $20,195
Career 1 Win (3%) - 7 Placings (25%) - 32 starts
Wins 1400m (1)

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