

  • Malaysia

First Runner 11 Oct 2015
Lee's Surprise (Ire)  
Penang (Mal)  |  Rhapsody Handicap Class 5
First Win 11 Oct 2015
Lee's Surprise (Ire)
Penang (Mal)  |  Rhapsody Handicap Class 5
Best Horse :
SHOWBOY (Timeform Rating 84)


Created with Raphaël

Latest Runners

FP Date Course Runner Div Type Distance PM AUD $ Jockey Time
5 of 8 15 Dec 2024 SEL RHYTHM OF ZEN $2.2 CL4 RBH44-61 1200m $12,111 S RUZAINI 1:10.24
5 of 9 15 Dec 2024 SEL TREES OF VALINOR $1.8 OPEN 1200m $8,651 S RUZAINI 1:10.94
9 of 9 15 Dec 2024 SEL GIFTED VALENTINES $86.6 OPEN 1200m $8,651 S SALEE 1:10.94
1 of 8 15 Dec 2024 SEL FIGHTER $18.0 CL5 RBH0-43 1300m $8,651 S SALEE 1:17.63
2 of 10 15 Dec 2024 SEL GOLDEN DASH $6.0 CL5 RBH0-43 1150m $8,651 H HAIKAL 1:07.75
4 of 12 14 Dec 2024 PRK FA FA STAR $17.0 CL4 RBH44-61 1200m $12,284 S RUZAINI 1:15.08
6 of 12 14 Dec 2024 PRK WINNER'S EUPHORIA $13.6 CL4 RBH44-61 1200m $12,284 S SALEE 1:15.08
1 of 10 08 Dec 2024 SEL AFTERMATH $1.4 CL4 RBH44-61 1100m $10,381 H HAIKAL 1:04.35
9 of 10 08 Dec 2024 SEL BATTLESTAR $19.2 CL4 RBH44-61 1100m $12,111 S SALEE 1:04.19
7 of 9 08 Dec 2024 SEL ACE'S WILD $18.8 CL5 RBH0-43 1020m $8,651 H HAIKAL 0:59.04

Jockey Statistics

Last 100 Rides
Jockey Name Wins Win (%) Places Place (%) Runners PM AUD $ G1(w) G2(w) G3(w) LR(w) ROI
S SALEE 67 6.6% 193 25.7% 1013 $566,846 0 0 0 0 $0.51
S ROSMIZAN 36 11.3% 77 35.3% 320 $286,377 0 0 0 0 $0.48
Z KHAIRIL 24 9.7% 63 35.1% 248 $310,835 0 0 0 0 $0.01
KC THAM 16 19.0% 20 42.9% 84 $20,952 0 0 0 0 $1.47
S S VANAN 15 13.9% 18 30.6% 108 $91,790 0 0 0 0 $0.24
CK KHAW 13 15.7% 12 30.1% 83 $45,739 0 0 0 0 $0.75
H S GILL 12 16.4% 20 43.8% 73 $1,878 0 0 0 0 $0.68
LEMOS DE SOUZA 11 21.2% 12 44.2% 52 $19,008 0 0 0 0 $1.67
JACKSON LOW 10 6.8% 22 21.8% 147 $39,861 0 0 0 0 $0.33
KC WONG 10 7.6% 27 28.2% 131 $78,278 0 0 0 0 $0.45
AK LIM 10 9.6% 12 21.2% 104 $27,988 0 0 0 0 $0.25
SU LIM 9 10.5% 23 37.2% 86 $1,188 0 0 0 0 $0.47
JOSE DE SOUZA 8 11.9% 15 34.3% 67 $45,821 0 0 0 0 $1.00
R RUEVEN 8 15.1% 15 43.4% 53 $35,836 0 0 0 0 $0.91
M FIRDAUS 8 24.2% 5 39.4% 33 - 0 0 0 0 $2.42

Seasons Summary Statistics

Season Wins Win (%) Places Place (%) Runners PM AUD $ G1(w) G2(w) G3(w) LR(w) ROI
2024/25 14 11.7% 27 34.2% 120 - 0 0 0 0 $0.60
2023/24 57 14.7% 93 38.8% 387 - 0 0 0 0 $1.19
2022/23 48 13.5% 88 38.3% 355 - 0 0 0 0 $0.86
2021/22 35 7.4% 98 27.9% 476 - 0 0 0 0 $0.76
2020/21 19 7.3% 48 25.7% 261 - 0 0 0 0 $0.82
2019/20 21 6.3% 60 24.5% 331 - 0 0 0 0 $0.35
2018/19 36 7.6% 86 25.9% 471 $250,869 0 0 0 0 $0.54
2017/18 42 8.4% 84 25.3% 498 $577,958 0 0 0 0 $0.75
2016/17 62 9.6% 125 29.0% 644 $792,815 0 0 0 0 $0.08
2015/16 34 9.2% 89 33.2% 371 $455,918 0 0 0 0 $0.04
Overall 368 9.4% 798 20.4% 3914 $2,077,560 0 0 0 0 $0.60

All Seasons - Black Types Statistics

Group Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI

All Seasons - Non Black Types Statistics

Group Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
Total 368 9.4% 798 29.8% 3914 $2,077,560 $0.58

All Seasons - Age Statistics

Age Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
5yo+ 315 9.5% 673 29.7% 3322 $1,592,822 $0.62
   - G1 0 0.0% 1 3.2% 31 $37,931 $0.0
   - Non Black Type 315 9.6% 672 30.0% 3291 $1,554,891 $0.63
4yo 46 10.4% 92 31.1% 444 $377,271 $0.38
   - G1 0 0.0% 1 20.0% 5 $24,734 $0.0
   - Non Black Type 46 10.5% 91 31.2% 439 $352,537 $0.38
3yo 7 4.7% 33 27.0% 148 $107,467 $0.21
   - Non Black Type 7 4.7% 33 27.0% 148 $107,467 $0.21

All Seasons - Course Statistics

Course Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
MALAYSIA 368 9.4% 798 29.8% 3914 $2,077,560 $0.58
   - PENANG 177 8.8% 390 28.0% 2022 $1,406,247 $0.43
   - SELANGOR 130 11.5% 253 33.8% 1133 $247,968 $0.75
   - PERAK 61 8.0% 155 28.5% 759 $423,345 $0.72

All Seasons - State of Track Statistics

State of Track Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
H 24 9.7% 48 29.1% 247 $202,001 $0.48
Y 68 10.7% 138 32.3% 638 $571,202 $0.62
S 34 9.1% 65 26.6% 372 $342,142 $0.4
G 216 8.8% 503 29.5% 2441 $962,215 $0.56
W 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 - $0.0
N 26 12.7% 41 32.8% 204 - $1.09
SY 0 0.0% 3 27.3% 11 - $0.0

All Seasons - Country or State Statistics

State or Country Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
MAL 368 9.4% 798 29.8% 3914 $2,077,560 $0.58
   - P 368 9.4% 798 29.8% 3914 $2,077,560 $0.58

All Seasons - Most Wins - Jockeys Statistics

Jockey Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
S SALEE 67 6.6% 193 25.7% 1013 $566,846 $0.51
S ROSMIZAN 36 11.3% 77 35.3% 320 $286,377 $0.48
Z KHAIRIL 24 9.7% 63 35.1% 248 $310,835 $0.01
KC THAM 16 19.0% 20 42.9% 84 $20,952 $1.47
S S VANAN 15 13.9% 18 30.6% 108 $91,790 $0.24
CK KHAW 13 15.7% 12 30.1% 83 $45,739 $0.75
H S GILL 12 16.4% 20 43.8% 73 $1,878 $0.68
LEMOS DE SOUZA 11 21.2% 12 44.2% 52 $19,008 $1.67
KC WONG 10 7.6% 27 28.2% 131 $78,278 $0.45
A K LIM 10 9.6% 12 21.2% 104 $27,988 $0.25

All Seasons - Best Strike Rate - Jockeys Statistics

Jockey Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
C C WONG 2 40.0% 1 60.0% 5 $7,695 $2.6
TK BARNABAS 1 33.3% 0 33.3% 3 - $5.8
S SHAZMIN 4 26.7% 3 46.7% 15 - $1.67
S NURWAKI 1 25.0% 1 50.0% 4 - $0.55
SN SHIVA 4 25.0% 5 56.3% 16 - $1.27
MUHD FIRDAUS 8 24.2% 5 39.4% 33 - $2.42
M EWE 7 22.6% 6 41.9% 31 - $0.88
LEMOS DE SOUZA 11 21.2% 12 44.2% 52 $19,008 $1.67
Y AIFY 4 21.1% 6 52.6% 19 $11,438 $1.58
KC THAM 16 19.0% 20 42.9% 84 $20,952 $1.47

All Seasons - Most Profitable - Jockeys Statistics

Jockey Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
J CHUAH 1 9.1% 3 36.4% 11 $6,268 $6.89
MUHD FIRDAUS 8 24.2% 5 39.4% 33 - $2.42
AR AIMAN 5 16.1% 4 29.0% 31 - $2.3
KC THAM 16 19.0% 20 42.9% 84 $20,952 $1.47
LEMOS DE SOUZA 11 21.2% 12 44.2% 52 $19,008 $1.67
YY OON 1 12.5% 0 12.5% 8 - $4.95
K EIRWAN 1 50.0% 0 50.0% 2 - $13.2
A SARAN 3 16.7% 5 44.4% 18 - $2.3
J SHANKAR 1 11.1% 1 22.2% 9 - $3.22
R NUQMAN 6 18.8% 11 53.1% 32 - $1.48

All Seasons - Most Wins on a Runner Statistics

Horse Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
ARIF 11 12.9% 18 34.1% 85 $57,895 $1.1
BATTLESTAR 9 16.7% 14 42.6% 54 - $0.83
NO REGRETS 9 18.8% 9 37.5% 48 - $1.85
MODRIC 9 13.0% 20 42.0% 69 - $1
TERMS OF REFERENCE 8 11.6% 19 39.1% 69 - $0.9
CAORUNN 8 14.3% 13 37.5% 56 - $0.86
KERAUNO 8 16.0% 16 48.0% 50 $79,937 $0.81
LEE'S SURPRISE 7 10.8% 13 30.8% 65 $47,127 $0.24
TRUDY 7 16.3% 12 44.2% 43 - $2.75
SIMLONG BEACH 7 18.4% 13 52.6% 38 - $1.1
VERBAL LINK 6 28.6% 3 42.9% 21 $91,224 $1.67
TRIPLE COIN 5 7.7% 19 36.9% 65 $47,952 $0.27
ASTRO FAME 5 15.2% 5 30.3% 33 $83,786 $0.19
D'GREAT OPULENT 5 17.9% 6 39.3% 28 $3,541 $0.83
TUN O'REILLY 5 15.6% 7 37.5% 32 - $0.87

All Seasons - Highest Stakes Earners for Stable Statistics

Horse Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
VERBAL LINK 6 28.6% 3 42.9% 21 $91,224 $1.67
ASTRO FAME 5 15.2% 5 30.3% 33 $83,786 $0.19
KERAUNO 8 16.0% 16 48.0% 50 $79,937 $0.81
SHOWBOY 5 41.7% 3 66.7% 12 $79,484 $0.0
LA FAMILIA 4 18.2% 7 50.0% 22 $61,434 $0.0
ARIF 11 12.9% 18 34.1% 85 $57,895 $1.1
TRAVERTINE 3 6.4% 8 23.4% 47 $57,840 $0.21
MULTI WEALTH 3 6.7% 16 42.2% 45 $57,077 $0.0
OK KID 3 12.5% 6 37.5% 24 $52,499 $0.69
TRIPLE COIN 5 7.7% 19 36.9% 65 $47,952 $0.27
LEE'S SURPRISE 7 10.8% 13 30.8% 65 $47,127 $0.24
TARZAN BOY 2 8.3% 5 29.2% 24 $46,014 $1.01
OUR RIVER DANCER 5 10.2% 8 26.5% 49 $44,105 $0.56
OUR TOUCHE 3 10.7% 5 28.6% 28 $40,805 $0.0
ZAC GALLANT 5 11.6% 10 34.9% 43 $37,929 $0.45

All Seasons - Odds Statistics

Odds Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
< 1/1 (< $2) 10 37.0% 11 77.8% 27 $4,365 $0.59
1/1 - 5/1 ($2.00 - $6.00) 158 20.5% 243 51.9% 772 $349,351 $0.75
6/1 - 10/1 ($6.10 - 11.00) 56 9.3% 155 34.9% 605 $254,436 $0.78
11/1 - 25/1 ($11.10 - $26.00) 28 3.3% 116 17.0% 845 $128,894 $0.56
26/1 - 50/1 ($26.10 - $51.00) 12 2.9% 51 15.2% 415 $46,271 $1.02
> 50/1 (> $51.10) 3 1.3% 17 8.9% 225 $24,541 $1.1
Fav 70 24.8% 104 61.7% 282 $120,392 $0.63

All Seasons - Distance Statistics

Distance Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
1000 - 1099m 16 8.9% 37 29.4% 180 $42,486 $0.55
1100 - 1199m 77 11.2% 149 32.9% 686 $337,363 $0.79
1200 - 1299m 120 9.3% 267 29.9% 1293 $643,471 $0.65
1300 - 1399m 61 10.4% 121 31.0% 588 $380,302 $0.49
1400 - 1499m 50 7.3% 119 24.8% 681 $389,488 $0.43
1500 - 1599m 3 7.9% 9 31.6% 38 $9,058 $0.25
1600 - 1699m 25 9.0% 58 29.9% 278 $141,374 $0.52
1700 - 1799m 16 10.9% 29 30.6% 147 $84,179 $0.3
1800 - 1899m 0 0.0% 7 53.8% 13 $9,037 $0.0
2000 - 2099m 0 0.0% 2 22.2% 9 $39,536 $0.0
2400 - 2499m 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 $1,266 $0.0

All Seasons - Fitness Statistics

Fitness Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
2U 31 7.2% 75 24.6% 431 $194,017 $0.63
   - P 31 7.2% 75 24.6% 431 $194,017 $0.63
3U 33 9.6% 77 32.0% 344 $210,748 $0.6
   - P 33 9.6% 77 32.0% 344 $210,748 $0.6
4U 29 9.8% 57 29.1% 296 $171,251 $0.43
   - P 29 9.8% 57 29.1% 296 $171,251 $0.43
5U 23 9.1% 56 31.3% 252 $199,444 $0.36
   - P 23 9.1% 56 31.3% 252 $199,444 $0.36
FS 12 9.9% 19 25.6% 121 $23,454 $0.52
   - P 12 9.9% 19 25.6% 121 $23,454 $0.52
FU 37 9.1% 66 25.2% 408 $177,120 $0.73
   - P 37 9.1% 66 25.2% 408 $177,120 $0.73
5U+ 187 10.0% 409 31.9% 1866 $1,101,526 $0.61
   - P 187 10.0% 409 31.9% 1866 $1,101,526 $0.61
FU BT <= 30 days - - - - 0 - $0.0

All Seasons - Distance Change Records Statistics

Distance Change Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
Up 400m+ 3 7.0% 8 25.6% 43 $22,326 $0.05
Up 201m - 400m 18 8.8% 32 24.4% 205 $95,561 $0.44
Up 101m - 200m 35 8.6% 91 30.8% 409 $216,305 $0.34
Up 1m - 100m 65 8.3% 171 30.1% 784 $356,236 $0.38
No Change 80 9.0% 189 30.1% 893 $510,078 $0.71
Back 1m - 100m 100 12.7% 160 32.9% 790 $478,026 $0.74
Back 101m - 200m 35 8.6% 71 26.0% 407 $245,717 $0.83
Back 201m - 400m 17 8.3% 43 29.3% 205 $119,516 $0.5
Back 400m+ 3 6.5% 10 28.3% 46 $33,795 $0.54

All Seasons - Sex of Runners Statistics

Horse Sex Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
G 320 9.7% 670 30.0% 3302 $1,838,018 $0.6
H 7 8.4% 14 25.3% 83 $50,252 $0.31
M 41 8.4% 104 29.6% 490 $189,104 $0.52
F 0 0.0% 10 34.5% 29 $186 $0.0
C 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 10 - $0.0

All Seasons - Days Since Last Run Statistics

Days Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
1 - 7 53 12.6% 81 31.8% 422 $423,097 $0.42
8 - 14 48 7.4% 141 29.0% 652 $314,257 $0.51
15 - 30 151 9.8% 322 30.8% 1534 $684,809 $0.58
31 - 90 86 9.4% 190 30.3% 912 $493,675 $0.67
91 - 180 16 7.4% 42 26.7% 217 $77,380 $0.74
181 - 365 7 6.6% 13 18.9% 106 $42,926 $0.5
365+ 4 14.3% 1 17.9% 28 $17,616 $0.75

All Seasons - Days Since Last Win Statistics

Days Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
1 - 7 9 26.5% 12 61.8% 34 $52,768 $1.24
8 - 14 6 11.5% 16 42.3% 52 $43,060 $0.4
15 - 30 30 15.2% 48 39.6% 197 $128,627 $0.61
31 - 90 53 10.0% 121 33.0% 528 $362,030 $0.37
91 - 180 52 10.3% 96 29.4% 503 $282,618 $0.56
181 - 365 53 10.6% 100 30.7% 498 $228,971 $0.78
365+ 30 8.3% 74 28.8% 361 $42,057 $0.87

All Seasons - Finish Position Last Start Statistics

Last FP Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
Unraced 12 9.9% 19 25.6% 121 $23,454 $0.52
1 51 14.2% 98 41.5% 359 $289,341 $0.54
2 50 13.9% 91 39.1% 361 $251,167 $0.47
3 50 12.6% 87 34.6% 396 $240,759 $0.48
4 46 12.1% 86 34.7% 380 $241,201 $0.45
5 - 9 123 7.4% 340 27.9% 1661 $743,543 $0.57
> 9 36 5.7% 77 17.8% 636 $288,095 $0.84

All Seasons - Beaten Margin Last Start Statistics

Last Margin Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
0 - 1 94 14.9% 160 40.4% 629 $488,895 $0.56
1.1 - 3 63 11.6% 136 36.6% 544 $351,956 $0.49
3.1 - 5 65 10.6% 139 33.3% 612 $404,446 $0.51
5.1 - 10 91 7.4% 233 26.5% 1223 $543,527 $0.51
> 10 54 6.0% 129 20.3% 903 $283,548 $0.79

All Seasons - First Runner Record With Horses From Other Stables

Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
Total 26 8.5% 58 27.5% 306 $128,047 $0.42

All Seasons - Blinkers First Time Statistics

Wins Wins (%) Place Place (%) Starts PM AUD(%) ROI
Total 2 28.6% 2 57.1% 7 $16,313 $0.0

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