Dubai Carnival
Winner: Aldhaja
Trainer: Musabbeh Al Mheiri
Jockey: Danny Tudhope
Owner: Nasir Askar
#RacingDubai #RacingatMeydan #Horseracing #athletes #dubai #myDubai #DubaiWorldCup #DWC24 #DWCC24 #DubaiWorldCupCarnival #DubaiCarnival
Dubai Carnival
Winner: Aldhaja
Trainer: Musabbeh Al Mheiri
Jockey: Danny Tudhope
Owner: Nasir Askar
#RacingDubai #RacingatMeydan #Horseracing #athletes #dubai #myDubai #DubaiWorldCup #DWC24 #DWCC24 #DubaiWorldCupCarnival #DubaiCarnival
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