The Meeting Analysis Results Service provides a detailed overview of the meeting, including breeding information, a unique race time break down, Last 600m comparisons plus field win and prizemoney details.
This analysis is aimed at highlighting the best races and winning performances for every TAB meeting across Australia each day.
SOT | State Of Track. G means the time was run on a good rated track. |
Time | The Time shown is the actual race time recorded by the winner with the track condition shown after eg 1:58.90 |
TEMP | is a calculated average race Tempo per 200m. For example 12.50s implies the average tempo of the race is 12.50 seconds every 200m. |
TDIFF | is a comparison of the Actual Race Tempo compared with the Tempo calculated from Racing and Sports Time Standard for each track and distance. For example a TDIFF figure of +0.33 implies each 200m section on average was run 0.33 seconds slower than the standard time for this distance. A cursory view of the TDIFF figures for each meeting shows which races were run at a faster tempo on the program when measured against the standard for that distance. |
RS SF | is the Racing and Sports Speed Figure. It is calculated in lengths and represents a measure of the fastest and slowest winning races again referenced to the Standard time but adjusted for Track variant and class of the meeting in question. A RS SF is calculated for all horses who run at each meeting and is a ready reference for comparing performances. |
L600 | is the last 600m sectional time of each race where available (measured by leader). In tabular form it is much easier to put the sectional times in perspective. |
#Wins | is the number of wins recorded by all the runners in the field in the last 12 months. |
AWI | is the field average win strike rate in the last 12 months (eg total wins divided by total runs of all runners in last 12 months) |
API | is the field average prizemoney for the last 12 months. (eg total Prizemoney earnt in last 12 months by all runners in the field divided by the number of starts all runners have had in last 12 months). These figures give a indication of the quality of the field. |
This is a list of all runners at every TAB across Australia each day and lists the runner, finish position, RSTR, race number and SP.
You can bring up the race result by clicking on any runner.
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