
Jockey Premierships | 2014 - 2015 Season


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Blake Shinn 145½½ 103 93½ 83½ 92 $10,852,130.00 19.30% 765
Dean Yendall 144 126 111½ 70½ 93½½½ $3,388,020.00 15.60% 924
James McDonald 143½ 100½ 86½ 66 53½ $13,408,790.00 22.20% 649
William Pike 133½ 115½ 91½½ 62 70½ $6,451,625.00 18.70% 718
Michael Walker 132 112 100 88½ 65 $4,745,740.00 16.80% 787
Brad Rawiller 132½ 102½½ 97½½ 90½½ 82½½½ $4,534,637.00 16.60% 804
Hugh Bowman 126½ 84 89 96½½ 46 $12,948,230.00 19.60% 648
Robert Thompson 120½½ 96½ 78 74 58½ $2,233,786.00 16.70% 731
Tommy Berry 118 117½ 92 91½ 105½ $11,317,780.00 13.80% 859
Damien Oliver 116½ 97½ 100½ 85 75½ $9,702,368.00 15.40% 763
Brenton Avdulla 115 114½ 89 82 101 $5,520,515.00 14.60% 791
Greg Ryan 111 96 77 69 58 $1,448,377.00 17.20% 646
Jim Byrne 111½ 111½ 104 85½ 76 $4,452,215.00 13.20% 854
Timothy Bell 111½½ 106 83½½ 95½½ 89 $3,677,635.00 13.40% 849
Lucy Warwick 109½ 113 73½½ 69 63 $3,165,315.00 15.60% 706
Jeff Penza 106 96 96 118 103½ $2,069,281.00 11.30% 945
Clare Lindop 97 66½ 62 71½ 68 $2,388,030.00 14.70% 661
Adrian Coome 95 64 52 37½½ 31 $1,015,700.00 24.30% 392
Luke Nolen 94 81½ 56½ 61½½ 54 $3,543,745.00 16.10% 586
Dwayne Dunn 92 95½½ 71 83½ 66 $7,328,765.00 12.20% 755


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Blake Shinn 132½½ 93 85½ 81½ 85 $8,553,984.00 19.10% 705
James McDonald 130½ 89½ 82½ 61 46½ $10,377,240.00 22.90% 574
Hugh Bowman 117 71 73 81½½ 40 $9,111,095.00 21.10% 555
Brenton Avdulla 113 111½ 87 80 96 $5,152,055.00 14.70% 770
Greg Ryan 111 96 77 69 58 $1,448,377.00 17.20% 646
Robert Thompson 111½½ 90½ 73 71 55½ $1,805,836.00 16.60% 683
Jeff Penza 106 96 96 118 103½ $2,069,281.00 11.30% 945
Tommy Berry 106 106½ 80 82 92 $9,308,448.00 14.30% 744
Tye Angland 88 87½ 98 72 74 $5,622,365.00 13.50% 653
Winona Costin 86 82 66½ 85½ 93½ $3,398,200.00 11.40% 760
Mathew Cahill 81½ 55 60 60 53 $1,031,532.00 14.20% 581
Grant Buckley 81½ 94 96 99 104 $1,812,055.00 8.50% 971
Jason Collett 80 92½½½ 90½ 90 55 $4,472,731.00 11.30% 714
Ben Looker 80½ 60 62 70 58 $1,001,352.00 12.80% 636
Sam Clipperton 80½ 88 77 89½ 81½½ $4,372,092.00 11.30% 720
Jay Ford 79 80½ 73½ 64 69 $1,956,222.00 11.00% 723
Richard Bensley 74 55 60 44 47 $1,426,705.00 13.80% 537
Samantha Clenton 74 58 70 46½ 49 $1,647,547.00 14.70% 504
Tim Clark 70 59 65½½ 68½ 53 $4,059,162.00 12.50% 562
Kody Nestor 69 80 53 41 62 $941,060.00 12.00% 576


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Dean Yendall 137 116 106 63 88 $3,024,200.00 16.10% 854
Brad Rawiller 131 101 95 87 82 $4,393,860.00 16.90% 779
Michael Walker 131 110 96 87 64 $4,462,640.00 17.30% 761
Damien Oliver 115 83 97 83 70 $8,129,258.00 16.60% 696
Luke Nolen 91 79 55 60 51 $3,158,020.00 16.50% 554
Dwayne Dunn 90 88 68 77 62 $6,405,845.00 12.70% 712
Damian Lane 82 81 55 61 58 $3,270,270.00 14.00% 587
Patrick Moloney 80 71 77 74 67 $3,022,990.00 11.90% 676
Mark Zahra 77 50 56 52 46 $3,618,485.00 15.20% 507
Linda Meech 74 59 58 47 40 $1,642,165.00 15.40% 481
Craig Williams 71 60 57 52 51 $5,578,180.00 13.30% 536
Daniel Stackhouse 71 71 68 82 80 $1,532,708.00 9.90% 720
Dale Smith 70 69 59 68 58 $1,497,805.00 11.00% 642
Regan Bayliss 69 64 71 57 71 $2,482,768.00 10.40% 668
Ben Melham 68 48 56 65 46 $3,652,763.00 14.20% 480
Craig Newitt 67 75 70 49 42 $4,014,138.00 12.30% 549
Jamie Mott 66 69 67 47 69 $1,359,435.00 10.80% 614
Dean Holland 65 85 69 108 80 $1,462,271.00 8.40% 779
Ryan Maloney 64 56 51 67 53 $1,405,315.00 13.40% 479
Jarrod Fry 64 71 78 73 68 $1,144,095.00 8.70% 741


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Jim Byrne 110½ 109½ 104 84½ 75 $4,410,500.00 13.20% 845
Timothy Bell 97½½ 99 74½ 87½½ 82 $3,468,650.00 13.10% 758
Adrian Coome 95 64 52 37½½ 31 $1,015,700.00 24.30% 392
Luke Tarrant 86 73½ 70½½ 75½½ 51 $4,128,900.00 14.60% 590
Damian Browne 78 44½½ 31 26 29 $2,746,200.00 25.70% 304
Matthew McGillivray 71 46½ 55 46 38 $967,175.00 18.90% 376
Tegan Harrison 68 64½ 75 64 71½ $2,268,975.00 9.20% 744
Matthew McGuren 65 76 53 33 36 $1,778,600.00 15.90% 410
James Orman 64 67½ 71 74½ 68 $1,571,575.00 8.90% 724
Skye Bogenhuber 62 54 56 55½ 57 $772,200.00 12.50% 497
Ric McMahon 61½ 64½ 75 74½ 59 $2,261,950.00 10.50% 596
Brad Stewart 60 44½½ 41½ 29 34 $1,418,900.00 18.50% 326
Bridget Grylls 60½ 50 40½ 39½ 62 $1,904,300.00 11.80% 517
Justin P Stanley 58 63 65½ 73½½½ 60 $969,900.00 10.00% 581
Michael Cahill 58 73 64 57½ 53 $2,371,500.00 10.00% 584
Emma Ljung 57 48 39 34½½ 49 $748,040.00 16.20% 352
Sarah Eilbeck 55½ 55 51 43 35 $741,325.00 15.10% 371
Robbie Fradd 55½½ 47½ 48½ 44½ 42 $1,522,350.00 12.80% 448
Sairyn Fawke 54 61 55½ 56 63 $931,800.00 10.20% 533
Peter Cullen 51½½ 41 44 52½ 35 $520,412.50 15.00% 355


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
William Pike 133½ 113½ 91½½ 61 70½ $6,400,595.00 18.90% 709
Lucy Warwick 104½ 109 69½½ 66 62 $3,052,765.00 15.60% 677
Jerry Noske 74½ 74½ 54½½ 56½ 91 $2,358,032.00 10.00% 754
Paul Harvey 72 50 27 39 41 $2,124,800.00 18.90% 381
Joseph Azzopardi 68 72 69 64 61½ $2,266,973.00 11.50% 593
Jarrad Noske 66 45 74½½½ 61 53½½ $2,003,668.00 11.10% 597
Jordan Turner 65½ 75½ 83½½ 64 61 $1,633,330.00 10.20% 650
Natasha Faithfull 63 64 46 53½ 52 $929,000.00 11.40% 556
Shaun O'Donnell 63 65 71½½½ 56½ 63½ $2,361,622.00 9.80% 647
Jake Casey 62 50½ 43½½ 49 51½½ $1,297,912.00 12.00% 520
Peter Hall 61½½ 50 54 59 39½ $2,009,970.00 14.30% 442
Jason Whiting 60 81 67½ 81½ 56½ $1,532,295.00 9.00% 669
Peter Knuckey 59½ 48½ 36½ 41 43½½½½ $1,714,436.00 13.20% 455
Troy Turner 55 41 47½ 56 44½ $1,333,495.00 9.50% 582
Shaun Mc Gruddy 49 37 51½ 58½ 59½ $1,036,880.00 8.40% 588
Kyra Yuill 49 40 43 40½ 46½ $627,630.00 10.80% 456
Patrick Carbery 49½ 68 52½ 52½ 53½ $1,755,502.00 8.70% 579
Emma Stent 43 41 47½½ 47½ 41½ $901,005.00 8.90% 485
Shaun Meeres 42 36 54 55½ 61½ $868,030.00 8.40% 505
Renee Forrest 34 43 38½ 45 37 $828,287.00 6.60% 516


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Clare Lindop 96 65½ 58 68½ 65 $2,307,160.00 15.10% 638
Matthew Neilson 85½ 56 53 55½ 42 $1,718,965.00 19.80% 436
Jason Holder 82 86 74 62 56 $2,103,320.00 15.60% 528
Dom Tourneur 73 70 58 61 58 $1,580,750.00 14.20% 517
Jake Toeroek 61 51 77 48 61 $1,633,490.00 11.50% 534
Todd Pannell 60 68 73½ 56 65 $1,278,260.00 10.10% 595
Jamie Kah 55 51 45½ 54½½ 49 $1,083,125.00 12.80% 431
Adrian Patterson 44 28½ 38 28 27 $619,400.00 15.10% 293
Shayne Cahill 43 34 38½ 28½ 30 $720,590.00 15.20% 283
Amy Herrmann 39 58½ 53½½ 46½ 59 $765,710.00 7.10% 551
Caitlin Jones 38 29 34 30 27 $694,050.00 16.60% 230
Emily Finnegan 38 46 33 41 29 $613,260.00 10.60% 360
Ryan Hurdle 36 25 26 32½ 37½ $741,355.00 10.20% 356
Justin Potter 36 39 50½ 57½ 31 $575,585.00 7.70% 469
Ben Claridge 36 62 40½ 36½½ 35 $740,570.00 10.30% 352
Sigrid Carr 34 38 46½½ 44½ 39 $846,270.00 7.90% 435
Simon Price 32 43 20½ 38 34½ $581,580.00 9.40% 341
Zac Spain 28 21 28 33 44 $324,560.00 8.20% 342
Krystal Bishop 28 29½ 35 38 39½ $413,750.00 6.40% 439
Eran Boyd 26 47½ 37 46½ 49 $479,880.00 5.80% 451


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
David Pires 75 67 59 47 35 $1,200,907.00 19.40% 388
Brendon McCoull 67 45 37 39 26 $1,060,725.00 21.70% 309
Anthony Darmanin 64 52 63 48 37 $1,152,199.00 15.90% 404
Ismail Toker 47 50 46 42 30 $780,208.00 13.30% 354
Boris Thornton 32 37 24 32 23 $487,700.00 15.10% 212
Georgie Catania 25 34 25 27 34 $381,637.50 7.90% 317
Kyle Maskiell 22 19 16 17 14 $313,637.50 17.20% 128
Daniel Ganderton 21 18 22 29 25 $335,875.00 9.10% 231
Damien Thornton 20 12 9 17 15 $377,589.00 13.90% 144
Sigrid Carr 18 13 12 9 17 $584,950.00 16.60% 109
Mehmet Ulucinar 17 19 10 16 18 $235,150.00 8.30% 207
Bulent Muhcu 17 24 28 18 22 $305,100.00 8.00% 213
Hayley Mccarthy 15 19 23 23 22 $236,975.00 7.20% 211
Kim Moore 14 9 17 18 22 $196,362.50 9.60% 147
Victor Wong 13 10 18 16 15 $192,425.00 9.50% 138
Rhonda Mangan 12 13 10 24 17 $183,550.00 6.70% 180
Sherry Barr 10 9 15 14 19 $150,600.00 5.20% 196
Cory Parish 9 11 13 11 18 $157,900.00 7.40% 122
Rhagan Cross 9 13 11 11 14 $137,012.00 6.50% 139
Chantal Willis 8 12 12 13 22 $135,800.00 4.40% 184


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Richard Bensley 28 17 15 9 9 $393,400.00 21.10% 133
Jay Ford 27 12 16 9 12 $573,050.00 22.20% 122
Jeff Penza 17 14 13 20 10 $268,350.00 13.40% 127
Brendan Ward 14 12 8 14 13 $216,250.00 14.00% 100
James Innes Jnr 10 7 8 8 $151,100.00 15.00% 67
Scott Pollard 8 7 7 5 8 $119,950.00 9.90% 81
Kevin Sweeney 8 5 7 7 $127,900.00 12.20% 66
Kathy O'Hara 7 5 2 4 4 $146,600.00 20.60% 34
Mathew Cahill 7 13 8 9 9 $133,450.00 8.40% 84
Grant Buckley 4 3 5 8 6 $67,200.00 7.50% 54
Carly Frater 4 5 5 5 6 $69,500.00 7.60% 53
Michael Travers 4 5 12 12 14 $91,150.00 5.00% 81
Jason Collett 3 1 0 3 0 $49,050.00 27.30% 11
Roly Saxton 3 2 1 6 3 $44,400.00 8.60% 35
Claire Gee 3 2 4 1 2 $43,800.00 10.00% 30
Koby Jennings 3 4 0 2 1 $44,350.00 23.10% 13
Winona Costin 3 4 4 1 4 $51,500.00 9.70% 31
John Kissick 3 7 6 17 6 $77,750.00 4.50% 67
Josh Cartwright 2 4 4 1 1 $40,400.00 9.10% 22
Kody Nestor 2 6 3 3 2 $46,800.00 5.00% 40


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Felicia Bergstrand 47 27 34 29½ 33 $643,579.00 19.30% 244
Brendon Davis 38 29 32 21 29 $561,583.00 19.00% 200
Kim Gladwin 30 18 20 22 21 $387,511.00 17.60% 171
Carl Spry 26 11 11 16 11 $381,745.00 21.90% 119
Paul Denton 23 27 25 21 14 $454,153.00 15.00% 154
Raymond Vigar 21 14 12 15 8 $390,451.00 18.80% 112
Samantha Rowley 21 23 20 22 25 $279,264.00 12.80% 165
Jan Cameron 19 35½ 28 16½ 22 $295,150.00 11.10% 172
Melanie Tyndall 17 15 23 22 32 $268,261.00 9.00% 191
David Pisani 16 20½ 20 16 15 $193,540.00 12.40% 130
Richie Oakford 14 15 19 11 10 $251,050.00 16.30% 86
Wayne Kerford 13 13 13½ 8 7 $180,275.00 14.30% 91
Paul Shiers 10 7 4 6 5 $169,751.00 20.90% 48
Kacie Connor 10 8 12 17 27 $135,635.00 8.60% 117
Kayla Cross 10 17 8 4 5 $173,724.00 12.20% 82
Craig Lloyd 10 19 14 19 13 $180,964.00 7.50% 135
Vanessa Arnott 9 15 11 17 15 $153,897.00 8.20% 111
Stephen Ridler 9 16 9 16 9 $182,787.00 10.50% 86
Craig Moon 8 5 11 12 13 $92,440.00 10.40% 77
Alana Brown 8 13 9 12 6 $127,179.00 12.70% 63


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Hugh Bowman 105½ 65 72 81½½ 41 $12,213,560.00 19.60% 541
James McDonald 104½ 77½ 62 55 44½ $12,409,330.00 20.70% 508
Blake Shinn 102½ 70 62½ 54½ 69 $9,809,997.00 18.60% 554
William Pike 81 71 50½ 38 40½ $5,454,242.00 19.80% 410
Tommy Berry 78 72½ 61 57½ 64½ $10,245,000.00 13.60% 577
David Pires 72 65 58 47 35 $1,175,132.00 18.90% 382
Jim Byrne 71 68 63 53½ 54 $3,779,400.00 12.60% 565
Anthony Darmanin 66 51½ 62½ 49 36½ $1,264,729.00 16.20% 408
Brendon McCoull 66½ 45 37 39 26 $1,060,725.00 21.70% 309
Lucy Warwick 66½ 60 40½½ 36 35 $2,406,990.00 17.10% 394
Craig Williams 65 55 58 50 51½ $9,582,465.00 12.50% 524
Damien Oliver 62 52½ 65½ 46 50½ $8,635,960.00 12.80% 486
Dwayne Dunn 59 66½½ 48 59 50 $6,653,835.00 10.70% 555
Luke Tarrant 58 52 49½½ 60½½ 33 $3,952,250.00 14.00% 415
Timothy Bell 57 64 42½ 57 54 $2,827,500.00 11.10% 514
Clare Lindop 55 33½ 30 32 28 $1,939,730.00 17.40% 317
Brenton Avdulla 53 55 50 43 61 $4,138,805.00 11.40% 468
Kerrin McEvoy 48 48 45 45 52½ $8,154,337.00 10.30% 468
Tye Angland 46 50½ 66 46 51 $5,245,115.00 11.00% 421
Joseph Azzopardi 46 61 42 45 42½ $1,955,663.00 11.70% 395


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Hugh Bowman 96 55 56 66½½ 35 $8,391,375.00 21.20% 453
Blake Shinn 91½ 61 56½ 52½ 63 $7,536,172.00 18.40% 502
James McDonald 91½ 66½ 58 50 37½ $9,377,777.00 21.30% 433
Tommy Berry 69 62½ 49 49 52 $8,358,017.00 14.80% 469
Brenton Avdulla 51 52 48 41 56 $3,770,345.00 11.50% 447
Tye Angland 45 49½ 61 44 49 $4,668,065.00 11.40% 395
Tim Clark 41 39 52½ 41½ 40 $3,379,122.00 10.50% 394
Winona Costin 41 44 31 47 57½ $2,491,820.00 10.40% 396
Jason Collett 38 54½½½ 46½ 52 33 $3,430,291.00 9.20% 415
Sam Clipperton 37½ 42 37 47 42½ $3,296,595.00 9.60% 398
Kerrin McEvoy 34 42 36 39 41½ $4,446,857.00 9.20% 373
Joshua Parr 24 27 26 17 9 $1,864,430.00 12.10% 199
Glyn Schofield 23 25 32½ 35 38 $2,065,347.00 7.80% 295
Jim Cassidy 17 14 20 15 20 $2,602,095.00 9.50% 180
Brodie Loy 16 23½ 25 32 21 $1,355,425.00 6.90% 234
Samantha Clenton 15 10 5 11 11 $663,070.00 17.30% 87
Christian Reith 11 16 17 20½ 24 $1,036,485.00 5.40% 207
Taylor Marshall 11 19 28 12 15 $928,685.00 6.80% 163
Koby Jennings 10 9 11 13 13 $608,025.00 9.00% 112
Thomas Huet 10 12 16 13½ 12 $766,295.00 7.60% 133


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Damien Oliver 60 38 62 44 45 $7,062,850.00 14.40% 419
Craig Williams 58 49 48 46 44 $5,152,245.00 12.60% 463
Dwayne Dunn 57 59 45 52 46 $5,730,915.00 11.20% 512
Patrick Moloney 42 36 35 40 33 $2,322,930.00 12.60% 334
Brad Rawiller 36 38 31 31 32 $2,574,753.00 14.20% 255
Regan Bayliss 35 33 38 29 28 $1,826,563.00 11.10% 318
Michael Walker 33 40 33 25 24 $2,946,260.00 11.80% 280
Luke Nolen 31 26 23 21 28 $1,911,430.00 12.60% 247
Ben Melham 30 19 28 37 21 $2,885,298.00 12.20% 246
Mark Zahra 30 25 20 21 28 $2,798,075.00 12.30% 245
Nicholas Hall 30 25 25 21 14 $3,764,410.00 13.00% 231
Damian Lane 26 36 18 30 25 $2,305,875.00 10.10% 258
Glen Boss 25 21 21 19 28 $3,086,150.00 9.70% 259
Michael Dee 22 24 23 29 18 $1,279,605.00 9.10% 243
Stephen Baster 19 19 17 17 20 $1,762,365.00 8.50% 225
Craig Newitt 19 24 27 19 14 $2,880,380.00 7.90% 243
Jye McNeil 19 26 18 11 32 $1,239,285.00 6.50% 296
Chad Schofield 17 19 19 14 18 $1,597,565.00 7.80% 220
Katelyn Mallyon 16 13 12 12 15 $993,175.00 10.40% 155
Jackie Beriman 16 16 13 25 15 $847,850.00 8.40% 192


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Jim Byrne 71 68 63 53½ 53 $3,777,400.00 12.70% 563
Luke Tarrant 57 51 48½½ 59½½ 33 $3,663,800.00 14.10% 405
Timothy Bell 57 64 42½ 56 52 $2,788,600.00 11.60% 493
Tegan Harrison 45 37½ 50 45 45½ $1,891,275.00 9.40% 481
Bridget Grylls 43½ 39 30½ 32½ 40 $1,678,300.00 12.30% 358
Matthew McGuren 41 56 30 22 25 $1,469,500.00 14.60% 281
Michael Cahill 37 51 37 40 40 $2,036,250.00 8.80% 421
Damian Browne 32 21 17 12 15 $2,137,950.00 20.30% 158
Travis Wolfgram 30 16 23 24½ 21 $1,130,900.00 13.30% 227
Ryan Wiggins 27 26 22½ 30 17 $1,191,725.00 10.50% 259
Ric McMahon 27½ 25½ 29 39½ 39 $1,753,450.00 9.20% 306
Larry Cassidy 26 18½ 15½½ 20 21 $1,383,725.00 11.40% 230
Robbie Fradd 24 25½ 28½ 20½ 29 $1,061,900.00 9.20% 262
James Orman 22 22½ 21 25 25 $932,200.00 8.40% 262
Brad Stewart 20 15 22 10 16 $824,550.00 13.60% 148
Jeff Lloyd 20 22 16½ 21 23 $1,029,200.00 9.60% 209
Chris Munce 19 26 20 16 11 $921,050.00 10.50% 182
Cassandra Schmidt 17 6 16 15 11 $602,150.00 12.30% 139
Glen Colless 16 14 17 25 20 $716,200.00 7.50% 215
Alannah Fancourt 14 4 5 12 8 $298,750.00 17.30% 81


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
William Pike 81 69 50½ 37 40½ $5,403,212.00 20.20% 401
Lucy Warwick 66½ 60 37½½ 35 34 $2,389,750.00 17.50% 384
Joseph Azzopardi 46 61 42 45 42½ $1,955,663.00 11.70% 395
Jerry Noske 38½ 37½ 27½½ 29½ 44 $1,688,262.00 11.00% 356
Jarrad Noske 37 21 37½½ 27 29½½ $1,562,486.00 11.70% 317
Paul Harvey 35 25 19 25 25 $1,668,200.00 15.70% 223
Shaun O'Donnell 32 35 33½½ 35½ 36 $1,808,075.00 9.00% 356
Peter Knuckey 31½ 24½ 24 30 24½½½ $1,359,563.00 12.30% 262
Jordan Turner 30 22½ 26½ 16 15 $1,051,250.00 15.00% 201
Peter Hall 29½ 23 25 29 24½ $1,376,675.00 14.40% 209
Jake Casey 26 20½ 22 23 17½ $821,600.00 11.60% 226
Troy Turner 25 10 17½ 25 29 $933,200.00 8.90% 284
Chris Parnham 25 20 24 22½ 25½ $1,021,225.00 12.50% 200
Jason Whiting 22 35 31 39 21 $972,075.00 7.40% 298
Brad Parnham 18 32 28 22 28 $970,200.00 7.10% 257
Patrick Carbery 17½ 33 28½ 32 27½ $1,282,187.00 6.10% 298
Emma Stent 12 12 11½ 10 7 $448,350.00 9.10% 132
Steven Parnham 12 17 11 31½ 27 $785,425.00 4.80% 254
Jason Brown 12½ 20 19 11 16½ $1,120,999.00 7.90% 165
Alan Kennedy 11 3 8 8 7 $489,300.00 18.10% 61


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Clare Lindop 55 32½ 28 29 26 $1,874,060.00 18.20% 303
Jason Holder 40 50 34 38 40 $1,587,950.00 13.40% 300
Matthew Neilson 38½ 20 27 27½ 23 $1,229,565.00 18.90% 207
Jake Toeroek 36 29 59 30 33 $1,335,260.00 11.70% 309
Dom Tourneur 27 30 25 26 17 $1,084,150.00 13.50% 201
Josh Cartwright 26 13½ 10 9 9 $685,380.00 28.30% 92
Ryan Hurdle 19 12 8 12 16½ $559,880.00 12.80% 149
Jamie Kah 18 21 15½ 21 28 $660,270.00 10.20% 178
Todd Pannell 18 22 27½ 28 25 $791,060.00 7.50% 241
Sigrid Carr 16 16 26½ 18 18 $616,990.00 8.30% 193
Shayne Cahill 13 10 10 7 $399,690.00 14.30% 91
Joe Bowditch 12 8 5 2 6 $413,855.00 18.80% 64
Caitlin Jones 12 13 14 9 10 $414,350.00 16.00% 75
Adrian Patterson 11 10½ 7 6 6 $317,240.00 12.40% 89
Amy Herrmann 9 18½ 17½ 17 13 $402,720.00 5.80% 157
Harry Coffey 8 7 6 5 7 $276,630.00 15.40% 52
Simon Price 8 11 14 17½ $307,680.00 6.40% 125
Steven Pateman 7 4 0 0 1 $356,100.00 58.40% 12
Emily Finnegan 7 7 2 7 8 $246,450.00 9.10% 77
Ben Claridge 7 14 14½ 12 8 $358,510.00 6.40% 110


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
David Pires 72 65 58 47 35 $1,175,132.00 18.90% 382
Brendon McCoull 67 45 37 39 26 $1,060,725.00 21.70% 309
Anthony Darmanin 64 52 63 48 37 $1,152,199.00 15.90% 404
Ismail Toker 46 50 46 39 30 $773,808.00 13.30% 348
Boris Thornton 32 37 24 32 23 $487,700.00 15.10% 212
Georgie Catania 24 34 24 27 33 $375,637.50 7.80% 310
Kyle Maskiell 22 19 16 17 14 $313,637.50 17.20% 128
Daniel Ganderton 21 18 22 29 25 $335,875.00 9.10% 231
Damien Thornton 20 12 9 17 15 $377,589.00 13.90% 144
Sigrid Carr 18 13 12 9 17 $584,950.00 16.60% 109
Mehmet Ulucinar 17 18 10 15 16 $232,675.00 8.40% 203
Bulent Muhcu 16 22 28 17 22 $294,400.00 7.70% 209
Hayley Mccarthy 15 19 22 23 22 $236,175.00 7.30% 207
Kim Moore 14 9 17 18 22 $196,362.50 9.60% 147
Victor Wong 13 10 18 16 15 $192,425.00 9.50% 138
Rhonda Mangan 12 13 10 22 17 $182,750.00 6.90% 176
Sherry Barr 9 8 14 14 17 $143,000.00 4.80% 191
Cory Parish 9 11 13 11 18 $157,900.00 7.40% 122
Rhagan Cross 9 12 10 11 14 $133,662.00 6.70% 136
Chantal Willis 8 12 12 13 22 $135,800.00 4.40% 182


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Brendon Davis 28 15 22 15 19 $378,733.00 21.90% 128
Carl Spry 25 11 11 13 10 $370,345.00 22.80% 110
Felicia Bergstrand 24 19 23 22 20 $355,054.00 15.60% 154
Richie Oakford 14 14 19 11 9 $249,250.00 16.70% 84
Melanie Tyndall 13 9 18 12 22 $205,191.00 9.30% 141
Raymond Vigar 11 7 2 6 3 $256,601.00 23.50% 47
Paul Shiers 10 7 4 6 5 $169,751.00 20.90% 48
Samantha Rowley 9 10 6 11 13 $128,594.00 12.00% 75
Vanessa Arnott 9 15 9 15 15 $150,747.00 8.60% 105
Craig Lloyd 9 17 13 15 11 $167,414.00 7.40% 122
Kayla Cross 8 8 7 2 2 $131,974.00 15.10% 53
Alana Brown 8 13 9 12 6 $127,179.00 12.70% 63
Stephen Ridler 8 16 9 16 9 $176,237.00 9.50% 85
Paul Denton 6 7 12 5 4 $181,918.00 11.60% 52
Brandon Stockdale 5 5 6 7 7 $121,344.00 12.00% 42
Kim Gladwin 5 8 5 8 8 $130,251.00 9.30% 54
Jarrod Todd 5 8 7 8 8 $130,987.00 7.50% 67
Stephen M Brown 4 3 1 1 3 $63,945.00 15.40% 26
Wayne Davis 4 7 13 6 20 $78,341.00 3.10% 131
Scott Hillebrand 3 7 6 11 5 $59,329.00 4.60% 66


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Adrian Coome 80 57 47 32½½ 27 $925,275.00 23.20% 345
Skye Bogenhuber 56 50 52 50½ 48 $710,925.00 13.00% 431
Emma Ljung 55 44 35 26½½ 44 $667,450.00 18.00% 307
Natasha Faithfull 55 53 32 40½ 41 $716,385.00 13.20% 418
Justin P Stanley 52 58 59½ 68½½½ 56 $740,100.00 10.20% 513
William Pike 51½ 43½ 41½ 23 28 $987,903.00 17.40% 300
Sairyn Fawke 49 42 44 44 49 $653,400.00 12.10% 408
Damian Browne 46 23½½ 14 14 14 $608,250.00 31.60% 146
Brenton Avdulla 45 50½ 30 34 30 $1,006,450.00 18.00% 251
Matthew Neilson 44 32 25 27 17 $466,400.00 20.60% 214
Brooke Stower 44 36 42 31 31 $554,550.00 13.10% 337
Dom Tourneur 43 34 25 28 35 $522,995.00 15.20% 283
James Orman 42 44 50 49½ 42 $638,175.00 9.20% 458
Sarah Eilbeck 42½ 44 43 35 31 $646,300.00 13.40% 321
Jason Holder 41 35 38 23 16 $505,320.00 18.60% 221
Grant Buckley 41 45 50 45 65 $950,830.00 8.80% 467
Jeff Penza 40 42 43 56 48½ $988,222.00 10.00% 403
Timothy Bell 40½½ 36 32 31½½ 30 $685,050.00 15.70% 268
Chris Whiteley 39½ 39 35 36 28 $562,150.00 13.80% 291
Jim Byrne 39½ 42½ 41 32 22 $654,100.00 14.10% 285


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Brenton Avdulla 45 50½ 30 34 30 $1,006,450.00 18.00% 251
Grant Buckley 41 45 50 45 65 $950,830.00 8.80% 467
Jeff Penza 40 42 43 56 48½ $988,222.00 10.00% 403
James McDonald 38 22 22½ 11 9 $949,915.00 28.00% 136
Tye Angland 37 35 32 26 23 $812,940.00 16.40% 226
Mitchell Bell 33 33 39½ 25½ 35 $713,312.00 11.20% 297
Jess Taylor 33 36 40 33 34 $754,974.00 8.90% 372
Thomas Huet 31 23 16½ 18 27 $593,655.00 15.00% 208
Tommy Berry 31 35 29 26 38 $797,694.00 13.20% 235
Tim Clark 29 20 13½ 26 13 $671,540.00 17.50% 166
Jason Collett 29 24 35 30 20 $826,805.00 13.00% 224
Andrew Gibbons 29 29 14 24 29 $610,612.00 12.60% 231
Paul King 28 22 37 45 37½ $644,972.00 7.70% 365
Jay Ford 28 34 35 25 35 $675,850.00 8.80% 319
Adam Hyeronimus 27 19 21 15 13 $494,080.00 18.30% 148
Samantha Clenton 27 20 29 9 16 $514,442.00 17.80% 152
Joshua Parr 27 21 19 14 10 $552,975.00 19.50% 139
Sam Clipperton 27 32 31 33 33½ $683,017.00 11.40% 238
Winona Costin 26 28 20½ 24 20 $612,015.00 11.70% 223
Blake Shinn 22½ 27 21 18 11 $709,567.00 16.70% 138


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Adrian Coome 80 57 47 32½½ 27 $925,275.00 23.20% 345
Skye Bogenhuber 56 50 52 50½ 48 $710,925.00 13.00% 431
Emma Ljung 55 44 35 26½½ 44 $667,450.00 18.00% 307
Justin P Stanley 52 58 59½ 68½½½ 56 $740,100.00 10.20% 513
Sairyn Fawke 49 42 44 44 49 $653,400.00 12.10% 408
Damian Browne 46 23½½ 14 14 14 $608,250.00 31.60% 146
Brooke Stower 44 36 42 31 31 $554,550.00 13.10% 337
James Orman 42 44 50 49½ 42 $638,175.00 9.20% 458
Sarah Eilbeck 42½ 44 43 35 31 $646,300.00 13.40% 321
Brad Stewart 40 29½½ 19½ 19 18 $594,350.00 22.50% 178
Timothy Bell 40½½ 35 32 31½½ 30 $680,050.00 15.90% 265
Chris Whiteley 39½ 39 35 36 28 $562,150.00 13.80% 291
Jim Byrne 39½ 41½ 41 31 22 $633,100.00 14.20% 282
Micheal Hellyer 38½ 55 43 57 54 $635,300.00 7.90% 494
Matthew McGillivray 36 29½ 38 31 25 $476,200.00 14.90% 243
Ric McMahon 34 39 46 35 20 $508,500.00 11.80% 290
Bobby El-Issa 32½ 46 44 27 34 $540,350.00 11.00% 300
Robbie Fradd 31½½ 22 20 24 13 $460,450.00 17.80% 186
David J Simmons 30 30 28½ 27 28 $365,937.50 9.40% 321
Luke Rolls 30 38 29 22 33 $481,550.00 9.70% 311


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Natasha Faithfull 55 53 32 40½ 41 $716,385.00 13.20% 418
William Pike 51½ 43½ 41½ 23 28 $987,903.00 17.40% 300
Lucy Warwick 38 49 32 31 28 $663,015.00 13.00% 293
Paul Harvey 37 25 8 14 16 $456,600.00 23.50% 158
Shaun Mc Gruddy 37 26 31 30½ 28 $513,550.00 11.40% 325
Jason Whiting 36 41 31½ 39½ 32½ $526,000.00 10.50% 346
Jerry Noske 33 35 24 24 42 $631,910.00 9.00% 370
Kyra Yuill 31 27 29 19 34½ $387,855.00 10.20% 306
Shaun O'Donnell 31 30 38½ 21 27½ $553,547.00 10.70% 291
Shaun Meeres 30 27 42 40½ 42½ $454,150.00 8.70% 348
Patrick Carbery 30 33 23 20½ 26 $454,235.00 11.20% 268
Peter Hall 30½ 24 28 25 14 $589,395.00 14.70% 211
Jake Casey 28 22 17½½ 18 29½ $387,102.00 11.70% 241
Peter Knuckey 28 23 12½ 11 19½ $352,023.00 14.90% 189
Jarrad Noske 28 24 37½ 33 24 $433,902.00 10.20% 276
Troy Turner 28 28 28 30 15½ $376,995.00 9.90% 284
Jordan Turner 27½ 42 41½ 35 31 $447,270.00 8.10% 348
Ben Kennedy 24 13 22 12 $333,085.00 16.20% 149
Glenn Smith 24 20 22 23 9 $471,330.00 14.30% 169
Emma Stent 24 26 33½ 30½ 26½ $381,115.00 7.90% 306


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Matthew Neilson 44 32 25 27 17 $466,400.00 20.60% 214
Jason Holder 41 35 38 23 16 $505,320.00 18.60% 221
Dom Tourneur 38 32 23 26 33 $411,800.00 15.00% 254
Jamie Kah 34 23 26 27½ 18 $384,880.00 15.90% 215
Clare Lindop 34 27 23 34½ 32 $367,100.00 12.30% 278
Todd Pannell 31 40 39 26 35 $403,800.00 10.10% 307
Shayne Cahill 26 17 23 16½ 15 $279,700.00 16.90% 154
Ben Claridge 25 37 18 11½½ 23 $317,660.00 13.90% 181
Adrian Patterson 22 15 27 17 18 $232,910.00 13.20% 167
Jake Toeroek 22 20 13 17 26 $267,200.00 10.50% 210
Amy Herrmann 22 22 26½ 22½ 35 $265,410.00 7.40% 301
Emily Finnegan 21 22 25 22 12 $273,050.00 11.80% 178
Caitlin Jones 20 13 13 16 11 $232,350.00 17.70% 113
Eran Boyd 19 27½ 17 13 27 $247,780.00 8.00% 239
Paul Gatt 18 10 14 9 10 $215,200.00 17.20% 105
Simon Price 17 20 9 19 14 $204,050.00 10.40% 164
Krystal Bishop 15 15½ 24 20 18 $188,200.00 5.90% 257
Justin Potter 15 23 33 30 17 $232,190.00 5.70% 264
Jordan Frew 14 13 19 19½ 12 $173,700.00 9.40% 149
Sigrid Carr 12 18 13½ 19 15 $162,280.00 6.60% 184


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Kim Gladwin 25 10 15 14 13 $257,260.00 21.40% 117
Felicia Bergstrand 21 8 10 12 $273,375.00 24.80% 85
Jan Cameron 18 33½ 24 16½ 19 $246,540.00 12.00% 150
Paul Denton 17 20 13 16 10 $272,235.00 16.70% 102
David Pisani 16 20½ 19 16 15 $191,740.00 13.30% 121
Wayne Kerford 12 10 10½ 8 7 $152,675.00 15.20% 79
Samantha Rowley 12 13 14 11 12 $150,670.00 13.40% 90
Brendon Davis 10 12 8 6 10 $174,650.00 15.20% 66
Kacie Connor 9 8 12 13 25 $109,115.00 8.50% 107
Raymond Vigar 7 7 6 9 4 $100,530.00 12.80% 55
Scott Westover 6 4 5 7 2 $148,960.00 16.30% 37
Craig Moon 6 4 11 12 11 $68,160.00 8.40% 72
Kirk Manoukian 5 3 6 8 7 $53,050.00 9.00% 56
Melanie Tyndall 4 4 4 8 9 $55,120.00 9.10% 44
Rebecca Williams 3 3 3 4 1 $36,485.00 15.00% 20
Rebeka Prest 2 0 0 0 $19,450.00 25.00% 8
Matthew Hart 2 1 1 0 2 $17,700.00 18.20% 11
Joe Bowditch 2 2 0 0 0 $34,200.00 40.00% 5
Robert Agnew 1 3 2 1 2 $16,470.00 3.80% 27
Kayla Cross 1 9 1 2 3 $27,850.00 3.60% 28


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Dean Yendall 127 107 87½ 49½ 69½½ $2,026,265.00 18.50% 689
Greg Ryan 111 96 76 68 57 $1,434,717.00 17.40% 639
Robert Thompson 104½½ 78½ 62 51 41½ $1,523,491.00 19.50% 544
Michael Walker 98 70 63 62 40 $1,516,380.00 20.40% 481
Brad Rawiller 94½ 64 64 55½ 49½ $1,822,558.00 18.10% 527
Mathew Cahill 84½ 55 64 60 55 $1,055,122.00 14.40% 592
Ben Looker 80½ 60 62 70 58 $1,000,977.00 12.80% 635
Richard Bensley 72 54 59 40 46 $1,063,565.00 13.80% 523
Kody Nestor 70 79 55 45 61 $936,185.00 12.10% 581
Brendan Ward 66½ 40 45 44 45 $880,597.00 14.70% 456
Dale Smith 66½ 61 57 65 52½ $1,168,913.00 11.40% 588
Daniel Stackhouse 65 64 59½ 72½ 72½½½ $1,179,683.00 10.40% 627
Glenn Lynch 64 92½ 77 84 82 $999,539.00 9.00% 715
Jeff Penza 63 49 49 59 50 $924,804.00 13.00% 486
Peter Graham 63 60½½ 77 73 69 $906,076.00 9.60% 662
Michael Travers 63 71 63 82 57 $906,842.00 10.00% 632
Linda Meech 63½ 51 52 38 33 $980,210.00 16.30% 393
Dean Holland 63½ 82 65 103½½ 70½½½ $1,113,086.00 8.90% 721
John Kissick 61 74 74½ 91½ 57 $921,812.00 10.70% 575
Jarrod Fry 61½ 70 75 70 65½ $1,046,230.00 8.80% 711


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Greg Ryan 111 96 76 68 57 $1,434,717.00 17.40% 639
Robert Thompson 104½½ 78½ 62 51 41½ $1,523,491.00 19.50% 544
Mathew Cahill 81½ 55 59 60 53 $1,026,572.00 14.20% 579
Ben Looker 80½ 60 62 70 58 $1,000,977.00 12.80% 635
Richard Bensley 72 54 59 40 45 $1,060,705.00 13.90% 521
Kody Nestor 68 79 53 41 60 $916,460.00 12.00% 567
Brendan Ward 66½ 40 45 44 45 $880,597.00 14.70% 456
Glenn Lynch 64 92½ 77 84 82 $999,539.00 9.00% 715
Jeff Penza 63 49 49 59 50 $924,804.00 13.00% 486
Peter Graham 63 60½½ 77 73 69 $906,076.00 9.60% 662
Michael Travers 63 71 63 82 57 $906,842.00 10.00% 632
John Kissick 61 74 74½ 91½ 57 $921,812.00 10.70% 575
Andrew Adkins 56 74 60 36 46 $825,290.00 11.80% 476
Anthony Cavallo 50 50 45 54 64 $631,270.00 10.00% 500
Jay Ford 48 35½ 29½ 28 23 $894,402.00 16.50% 291
Raymond Spokes 45 43 45 34 52 $621,825.00 10.50% 432
Blake Spriggs 42 31 25 31 24 $599,990.00 15.20% 277
Sophie Young 41 29½ 34 28 31 $496,507.00 12.70% 324
Melinda Graham 40 20 23 21 24 $427,895.00 15.40% 261
Matthew Paget 40 56 66 59 60 $638,680.00 6.90% 584


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Dean Yendall 127 107 88 50 71 $2,026,265.00 18.50% 689
Michael Walker 98 70 63 62 40 $1,516,380.00 20.40% 481
Brad Rawiller 95 63 64 56 50 $1,819,108.00 18.20% 524
Dale Smith 67 61 57 65 53 $1,168,913.00 11.40% 588
Daniel Stackhouse 65 64 60 73 75 $1,179,683.00 10.40% 627
Linda Meech 64 51 52 38 33 $980,210.00 16.30% 393
Dean Holland 64 82 65 105 73 $1,113,086.00 8.90% 721
Jarrod Fry 62 69 74 70 64 $1,036,870.00 8.90% 703
Jamie Mott 61 60 63 39 57 $1,063,660.00 12.20% 503
Ryan Maloney 60 48 50 59 44 $981,775.00 14.60% 411
Luke Nolen 60 53 32 39 23 $1,246,590.00 19.60% 307
Damian Lane 56 45 37 31 33 $964,395.00 17.10% 329
Damien Oliver 55 45 35 39 25 $1,066,408.00 19.90% 277
Jack Hill 53 65 62 60 65 $934,844.00 9.80% 546
John Allen 50 44 41 33 29 $905,495.00 15.10% 332
Ben E Thompson 48 38 52 52 46 $828,345.00 10.40% 465
Craig Newitt 48 51 43 30 28 $1,133,758.00 15.70% 306
Mark Zahra 47 25 36 31 18 $820,410.00 18.00% 262
Chris Symons 45 51 35 37 29 $873,150.00 13.40% 337
Craig Robertson 44 66 55 67 73 $856,026.00 7.40% 602


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Aaron Spradau 32 24 13 5 15 $227,280.00 26.30% 122
Wanderson D'Avila 29 26 32 15 9 $220,305.00 20.60% 141
Dan Ballard 28½ 19 20 11 16 $204,425.00 24.60% 118
Shenny Chan 27 23½ 26 18½ 19 $205,175.00 17.40% 156
Tamara Tincknell 27½ 22 17 22½ 16 $192,300.00 17.20% 163
Quayde Krogh 25 29 21 23 18 $229,205.00 15.80% 159
Sonja Wiseman 25½ 24½ 23 18 18 $218,555.00 18.10% 144
Nicole Vuille 24 8 13 10 5 $138,000.00 28.60% 84
Tasha Chambers 24 27 24 23 11 $201,390.00 16.20% 149
Les Tilley 23 9 9 10 8 $156,900.00 25.90% 89
Jeffrey Felix 23 25 17 19 18 $182,550.00 14.90% 155
Matthew McGillivray 22 12 13 8 7 $153,275.00 27.50% 80
Cheryl Rogers 21 13 17 21½ 14 $152,175.00 14.00% 150
Hannah Phillips 21 22 14 22 18 $153,275.00 15.20% 139
Peter Cullen 21½½ 17 20 32 24 $189,912.50 14.90% 155
Stephen Wilson 20 22 16 18 27 $168,965.00 14.50% 138
James Geppert 20 26 22 22 18 $174,270.00 11.60% 173
Frank R Edwards 20½ 18½ 23 23 20 $156,380.00 13.30% 158
Braydn Swaffer 18½ 14 13 18 16 $143,350.00 14.00% 136
Graham Kliese 18½ 15 11 9 12 $123,817.50 22.10% 86


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Clinton Porter 25 10 18 16 21 $196,110.00 16.30% 154
Colin Haddon 20½ 27 18 19 14 $211,147.00 13.20% 160
Lisa Staples 19 11 17 21 15 $199,295.00 13.50% 141
Kate Fitzgerald 18 11 20 15½ 7 $214,107.00 14.10% 128
Simone Altieri 15 9 9 13 14 $121,180.00 14.30% 105
Kyra Yuill 15 12 11 18½ 8 $181,075.00 13.90% 108
Randy Tan 15 16 11 22 17 $168,810.00 12.40% 121
Clint Johnston-Porter 15 16 19 11 19 $160,695.00 10.80% 139
Mandy Richmond 14 12 9 8 11 $126,990.00 11.00% 128
Casey Hunter 13½ 17½ 20 22 22 $168,240.00 8.70% 161
Sasha Starley 11 7 8 17 9 $85,425.00 9.30% 119
Michael Heagney 11 9 4 6 $113,835.00 17.20% 64
Noel Rudland 11 13 8 5 8 $126,585.00 16.50% 67
Misty Bazeley 11 20 10 17½ 11 $112,885.00 9.90% 112
Danny Miller 10 4 2 7 7 $69,575.00 17.90% 56
Grant Lemos 9 5 10 6 8 $71,315.00 14.30% 63
Jake Casey 8 8 4 8 5 $89,210.00 15.10% 53
Shelby Bowtell 8 8 12 3 6 $106,780.00 15.10% 53
Peter Farrell 8 9 14 11 12 $106,780.00 7.00% 115
Jordan Turner 8 11 16 13 15 $134,810.00 8.00% 101


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Justin Potter 15 8 14 13½ 8 $127,875.00 14.50% 104
Holly McKechnie 15 9 6 16½ 9 $123,625.00 19.50% 77
Zac Spain 15 9 13 13 21 $126,750.00 11.40% 132
Ashley Doyle 13 9 22 12 13 $124,150.00 9.60% 136
Adrian Patterson 11 3 4 5 3 $69,250.00 29.80% 37
Todd Pannell 11 6 7 2 5 $83,400.00 23.50% 47
Krystal Bishop 11 6 8 12 10½ $90,780.00 10.70% 103
Jordan Frew 10 14 8 12 6 $107,400.00 13.60% 74
Emily Finnegan 10 17 6 12 9 $93,760.00 9.60% 105
Grace Willoughby 9 4 8 6 1 $70,000.00 18.80% 48
Kate Brooks 9 12 10 10 15 $85,730.00 11.60% 78
Edward Creighton 8 1 6 2 1 $54,650.00 27.60% 29
Dom Tourneur 8 8 10 9 8 $84,800.00 13.00% 62
Amy Herrmann 8 18 10 7 11 $97,580.00 8.70% 93
Dylan Caboche 7 6 3 5 6 $57,400.00 16.30% 43
Clare Lindop 7 6 7 5 7 $66,000.00 12.30% 57
Simon Price 7 12 5 5 3 $69,850.00 13.50% 52
Ruby Mayers 6 5 6 3 5 $37,450.00 10.80% 56
Marc Munday 6 6 5 3 3 $56,100.00 11.80% 51
Tamara Zanker 6 10 5 7 8 $53,880.00 8.70% 69


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Dylan Caboche 8 4 3 3 5 $15,050.00 29.70% 27
Jacques Luxe 6 3 2 5 4 $11,895.00 28.60% 21
Michael McDonald 6 5 6 3 2 $12,995.00 25.00% 24
Carryn Londregan 5 3 5 8 5 $10,985.00 15.70% 32
Tennille Gray 5 10 11 3 3 $15,130.00 15.70% 32
David Pires 3 2 1 0 0 $25,775.00 50.00% 6
Chris Nicoll 3 4 6 9 4 $9,865.00 10.00% 30
Ismail Toker 1 0 0 3 0 $6,400.00 16.70% 6
Georgie Catania 1 0 1 0 1 $6,000.00 14.30% 7
Sandy Mullett 1 1 0 2 4 $2,185.00 9.10% 11
Sherry Barr 1 1 1 0 2 $7,600.00 20.00% 5
Paul Hamblin 1 1 2 1 0 $2,530.00 20.00% 5
Bulent Muhcu 1 2 0 1 0 $10,700.00 25.00% 4
Hayley Mccarthy 0 0 1 0 0 $800.00 - 4
Shuji Amano 0 0 1 0 0 $800.00 - 1
Yassy Nishitani 0 0 1 0 1 $800.00 - 3
Mehmet Ulucinar 0 1 0 1 2 $2,475.00 - 4
Rhagan Cross 0 1 1 0 0 $3,350.00 - 3
Samantha Noble 0 2 0 0 0 $920.00 - 3
Casey Bruce 0 2 0 1 1 $1,045.00 - 4


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Raymond Vigar 3 0 4 0 1 $33,320.00 30.00% 10
Felicia Bergstrand 2 0 1 1 1 $15,150.00 40.00% 5
Craig Moon 2 1 0 0 2 $24,280.00 40.00% 5
Stephen Ridler 1 0 0 0 0 $6,550.00 100.00% 1
Kirk Manoukian 1 0 0 0 0 $8,810.00 100.00% 1
Kayla Cross 1 0 0 0 0 $13,900.00 100.00% 1
Craig Lloyd 1 0 1 1 0 $9,550.00 33.40% 3
Jarrod Todd 1 1 0 1 1 $13,900.00 20.00% 5
Tim Brummell 0 0 0 0 0 - 6
Vanessa Arnott 0 0 1 2 0 $1,800.00 - 4
Richie Oakford 0 1 0 0 1 $1,800.00 - 2
Stephen M Brown 0 1 0 1 1 $2,900.00 - 4
Wayne Davis 0 1 0 1 4 $2,580.00 - 8
Aaron Spradau 0 1 0 3 0 $5,880.00 - 4
Melanie Tyndall 0 2 1 2 1 $7,950.00 - 6
Wayne Kerford 0 2 2 0 0 $7,380.00 - 5
Brendon Davis 0 2 2 0 0 $8,200.00 - 6


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Tim Phillips 40 27 29 19 14 $158,175.00 28.80% 139
Courtney Pace 30½ 29 15 20 16 $65,313.00 23.70% 131
Ricky Blewitt 27 24 15 20 11 $84,442.00 23.30% 116
Reece Goodwin 25 31 20½ 17 8 $61,749.00 22.20% 113
Grant Seccombe 19 15 20 18 14 $46,945.00 18.00% 106
Michael R Kent 17 13 12 12 4 $38,149.00 24.00% 71
Ashlee Beer 15 10 13 12 10 $34,094.00 20.90% 72
Matthew Corbisiero 14 14 15 9 14 $36,355.00 15.80% 89
Debbie Waymouth 11 5 3 6 5 $21,930.00 22.50% 49
Dayne Bennett-Hillier 11 5 11 5 4 $34,120.00 24.50% 45
Adam Bodey 10 7 3 3 $17,738.00 34.50% 29
Stuart Brown 10 9 15 11 8 $36,120.00 16.20% 62
Craig Kirkpatrick 9 14 10 11 5 $26,563.00 14.30% 63
Toby Lake 9 14 21 13 15 $32,347.00 9.30% 97
Nyssa Burrells 8 7 13 14 16 $27,986.00 10.30% 78
Alan Barton 8 9 12 17 18 $34,490.00 8.20% 98
Roy L McCabe 7 3 1 0 1 $35,400.00 33.40% 21
Billy Owen 7 8 7 5 1 $35,315.00 19.00% 37
Dani Walker 9 7 8 5 $21,237.00 14.90% 54
Ashley Boyd 6 14 12 10 6 $30,270.00 9.30% 65


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Tim Phillips 40 27 29 19 14 $158,175.00 28.80% 139
Ricky Blewitt 25 24 15 19 11 $81,340.00 22.20% 113
Dayne Bennett-Hillier 11 5 11 5 4 $34,120.00 24.50% 45
Stuart Brown 10 9 15 11 8 $36,120.00 16.20% 62
Nyssa Burrells 8 7 11 13 15 $26,990.00 10.90% 74
Alan Barton 8 9 12 17 18 $34,490.00 8.20% 98
Roy L McCabe 7 3 1 0 1 $35,400.00 33.40% 21
Billy Owen 7 8 7 5 1 $35,315.00 19.00% 37
Samara Johnson 6 6 6 7 4 $26,870.00 16.30% 37
Michael Gray 6 10 5 7 5 $24,490.00 11.00% 55
Ashley Boyd 6 14 12 10 6 $30,270.00 9.30% 65
Aaron Sweeney 4 6 6 4 5 $22,560.00 13.00% 31
Kath Bell 4 7 7 8 15 $20,190.00 7.20% 56
Rebeka Prest 4 8 7 4 1 $26,050.00 12.20% 33
Mark Galea 2 0 4 3 2 $7,190.00 9.10% 22
Mitchell Korn 2 3 1 0 1 $5,200.00 18.20% 11
Troy Sweeney 2 3 2 5 3 $10,400.00 11.80% 17
Teresa Nikora 1 1 2 1 1 $2,800.00 14.30% 7
Ashlee Beer 0 1 1 0 2 $1,300.00 - 4
John Nisbet 0 1 1 2 3 $1,800.00 - 14


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Courtney Pace 31 29 15 20 16 $65,313.00 23.70% 131
Reece Goodwin 25 31 21 17 8 $61,749.00 22.20% 113
Grant Seccombe 19 15 20 18 14 $46,945.00 18.00% 106
Michael R Kent 17 13 12 12 4 $38,149.00 24.00% 71
Ashlee Beer 15 9 12 12 8 $32,794.00 22.10% 68
Matthew Corbisiero 14 14 15 9 14 $36,355.00 15.80% 89
Debbie Waymouth 11 5 3 6 5 $21,930.00 22.50% 49
Adam Bodey 10 7 3 3 3 $17,738.00 34.50% 29
Craig Kirkpatrick 9 14 10 11 5 $26,563.00 14.30% 63
Toby Lake 9 14 21 13 15 $32,347.00 9.30% 97
Dani Walker 8 9 7 8 5 $21,237.00 14.90% 54
Christopher Brown 5 5 13 9 6 $17,329.00 9.10% 55
Rob Kirkpatrick 4 8 7 11 8 $15,954.00 7.20% 56
Clay Beasy 3 1 3 0 0 $5,831.00 37.50% 8
Ricky Blewitt 2 0 0 1 0 $3,102.00 66.70% 3
Matthew Brown 2 2 2 0 4 $5,512.00 10.00% 20
Cory Jones 1 0 3 0 4 $2,876.00 8.40% 12
Anita Bell 1 0 4 2 3 $4,202.00 4.80% 21
Angela Bence 1 3 1 2 1 $4,196.00 7.20% 14
Peta Tait 1 3 3 3 2 $5,129.00 6.30% 16


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
David Cast 4 2 0 4 1 $1,295.00 36.40% 11
Raymond Williams 4 2 3 1 1 $1,350.00 30.80% 13
Doug Bannister 2 0 0 0 0 $520.00 50.00% 4
Thomas Delahunty 2 4 6 0 0 $1,485.00 15.40% 13
Brent McGregor 1 1 3 2 2 $610.00 7.20% 14
John Dagan 1 2 2 3 2 $765.00 8.40% 12
Meghan Delahunty 0 0 0 1 0 - 3
Kevin Connolly 0 3 0 3 7 $375.00 - 14


Jockey Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Rides
Jessamy Walsh 6 0 4 4 0 $14,900.00 42.90% 14
Misty Bazeley 5 3 2 4 3 $26,560.00 27.80% 18
Jake Casey 4 1 1 2 1 $19,650.00 40.00% 10
Warrick Dicks 4 3 3 1 1½½ $11,655.00 28.60% 14
Clinton Porter 3 0 0 1 1 $14,000.00 60.00% 5
Grant Lemos 3 0 2 1 3 $20,175.00 30.00% 10
Jacquelyn Scott 3 2 0 1 1½½ $7,550.00 33.40% 9
Paul Fahy 2 0 2 0 0 $6,550.00 50.00% 4
Simone Altieri 2 1 1 4 2 $12,000.00 15.40% 13
Willie White 2 1 2 0 0 $10,920.00 40.00% 5
Natalie Burke 2 4 1 1 1½½½½½½ $8,225.00 11.80% 17
Aaron Bazeley 1 0 0 0 1 $1,750.00 33.40% 3
Robert Markou 1 0 0 0 2 $4,200.00 33.40% 3
Jodie Hill 1 1 0 0 1 $3,200.00 33.40% 3
Danielle Conroy 1 1 1 0 0 $6,000.00 33.40% 3
Mark Forder 1 2 0 2 1 $6,750.00 14.30% 7
Leon Joughin 1 2 2 0 0 $3,800.00 20.00% 5
Samantha Jones 1 5 1 4 0½½½½ $7,185.00 6.70% 15
Casey Hunter 0 3 0 1 0 $5,250.00 - 5
Eliza Finger 0 4 5 1 5 $8,345.00 - 17

Last Updated at 2021 Aug 16 23:11:43 (source:

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