
Trainer Premierships | 2017 - 2018 Season


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Darren Weir 489½ 377½½½½½ 375½ 328½½½½ 337½½ $31,352,490.00 15.50% 3175
Chris Waller 337½ 318½ 294 262½½½½ 238½½½ $34,482,240.00 14.50% 2332
David & B Hayes & T Dabernig 250 225½½½½ 222½½½ 224½½½ 189½ $22,704,760.00 12.60% 1993
James Cummings 231 176½ 175 139 121½ $15,991,680.00 19.70% 1175
Kris Lees 191½ 166½ 141½½ 120 107½ $8,415,880.00 17.80% 1081
Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 164½ 133½ 91½½ 81 93½½ $11,924,810.00 19.00% 869
Ben Currie 156 112½ 90 71½ 72 $3,231,610.00 21.60% 723
Peter & Paul Snowden 155½ 119 109½ 71½½ 75½½ $16,552,220.00 18.50% 846
Tony McEvoy 141 91 70 56 47½ $9,344,650.00 22.30% 634
Tony Gollan 137 142 96½½ 82½½½ 85 $5,832,955.00 16.40% 839
Mick Price 133 103 105½ 85½ 66 $9,026,222.00 16.20% 824
Adam Durrant 128 87 80 65½½ 52 $4,371,190.00 20.00% 640
Bjorn Baker 108 87½ 86 70 46 $5,561,580.00 17.80% 609
Toby Edmonds 106½ 71½ 61½½ 53½ 38½ $3,751,260.00 21.80% 492
Matthew Dunn 102½ 77 64½ 75½ 63 $3,691,923.00 16.60% 622
Michael, Wayne & John Hawkes 100 99½½ 70 67½ 61½ $8,077,453.00 17.00% 591
Grant & Alana Williams 92 60½ 39 33½½ 30½½½ $3,889,665.00 24.80% 371
Mathew Ellerton & Simon Zahra 87½½ 108½½ 87 89½½ 75 $4,731,185.00 12.10% 737
Robert Heathcote 82½ 73 81½ 64½½ 52 $2,877,671.00 14.10% 592
Stuart Kendrick 82½½ 78 73 66½½ 74 $2,134,050.00 13.60% 621


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Chris Waller 258 230 229 205½½ 173½½ $22,692,610.00 15.10% 1712
James Cummings 179 132½ 124 100 78½ $10,492,790.00 22.20% 809
Kris Lees 177½ 158½ 136½½ 112 95½ $7,516,930.00 17.90% 996
Peter & Paul Snowden 130½ 98 85½ 62½½ 62½½ $13,520,940.00 19.50% 675
Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 123½ 100½ 66½½ 63 73½½ $6,944,605.00 19.30% 645
Bjorn Baker 106 84½ 82 70 44 $4,627,630.00 18.10% 587
Paul Perry 69 85 91 83 76 $2,353,990.00 9.30% 744
Gerald Ryan 66 67½ 54 54 48 $6,599,075.00 15.00% 440
Joseph Pride 63 51 58 47 35 $2,952,405.00 16.80% 375
Michael, Wayne & John Hawkes 63 67 48 45½ 30 $6,014,123.00 17.40% 363
Brett Cavanough 57 49 29 38½ 28 $1,209,800.00 17.40% 328
Brad Widdup 51 33 35 31 21 $1,576,690.00 21.30% 240
Matthew Dunn 49 34 25 29 21 $1,324,735.00 21.50% 228
Barbara Joseph & Paul Jones 49½ 52½ 47 47 42 $1,334,118.00 12.90% 390
John P Thompson 48 57 56½ 43½ 56 $2,524,970.00 9.70% 497
Matthew Dale 47 29½ 24 21 25½ $1,049,025.00 19.20% 246
Jason Coyle 46 38 52 55½ 60 $2,047,403.00 10.30% 449
Keith Dryden & Scott Collings 46 41 31 28½ 23 $985,007.50 15.30% 301
Kim Waugh 45 26½ 21 18 19 $1,670,640.00 22.30% 202
Gary Portelli 44½ 52 48 42 49 $2,295,258.00 12.30% 367


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Darren Weir 435 351 349 300 316 $23,667,520.00 14.90% 2933
David & B Hayes & T Dabernig 226 205 206 199 169 $17,783,770.00 12.80% 1768
Mick Price 125 96 98 83 60 $6,766,281.00 16.20% 772
Mathew Ellerton & Simon Zahra 88 107 84 89 73 $4,277,795.00 12.30% 717
Robbie Griffiths 66 80 79 90 76 $2,336,982.00 9.70% 682
Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 65 55 50 35 34 $2,303,973.00 16.70% 391
Aaron Purcell 63 62 51 51 48 $3,798,816.00 13.70% 460
Ciaron Maher 62 45 36 33 34 $2,011,811.00 17.50% 355
Symon Wilde 59 59 45 39 55 $2,097,969.00 14.00% 423
Henry Dwyer 51 50 49 45 40 $1,902,019.00 10.70% 479
John McArdle 50 47 38 34 29 $1,321,340.00 15.90% 315
Danny O'Brien 49 44 44 41 44 $2,120,580.00 13.40% 368
Matt Cumani 48 38 36 33 24 $1,371,234.00 16.20% 298
Michael Kent 47 27 37 47 35 $1,998,322.00 15.70% 300
Tony McEvoy 47 36 32 28 25 $4,084,560.00 15.90% 297
Patrick Payne 47 49 40 30 30 $1,919,518.00 16.80% 280
Greg Eurell 46 34 33 40 36 $1,496,729.00 14.00% 329
James Cummings 46 40 47 35 36 $4,335,595.00 14.20% 326
Michael Moroney 46 42 39 38 34 $2,083,534.00 12.50% 369
Robert Smerdon 45 38 23 17 21 $1,875,624.00 18.00% 250


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Ben Currie 154 109½ 88 70½ 72 $3,188,975.00 21.70% 710
Tony Gollan 135 140 93½½ 80½½½ 83 $5,658,140.00 16.50% 820
Toby Edmonds 89½ 64½ 53½ 46½ 37½ $2,828,925.00 20.70% 436
Robert Heathcote 82½ 72 81½ 63½½ 51 $2,860,226.00 14.20% 588
Stuart Kendrick 82½½ 78 73 65½½ 74 $2,127,600.00 13.60% 619
John Manzelmann 80 68½½ 84 74 73 $860,105.00 12.50% 642
Steven O'dea 64 56 54½ 46 29 $2,092,000.00 17.90% 358
David Vandyke 60 38½ 24 21 22 $1,222,661.00 25.80% 233
Bevan Johnson 56½½ 66½ 58 51 51 $523,537.50 14.20% 409
Tony Sears 54 39 32 23 33 $1,126,050.00 18.90% 286
Matthew Dunn 53½ 43 39½ 46½ 42 $2,364,188.00 13.80% 393
Chris Munce 53½ 45 41½ 44 50½ $1,576,275.00 12.50% 432
Chris Waller 48 53 38 35½ 38½ $6,101,078.00 14.20% 339
Chris Anderson 47 36 27½ 50½ 35½ $1,102,625.00 15.70% 300
Roy Chillemi 45 27½ 28 21 22 $584,600.00 21.70% 208
Lindsay Hatch 45 38 30 24 26 $788,075.00 19.50% 231
Darryl Hansen 44 36 17 23 15 $1,293,150.00 19.40% 227
Michael Nolan 42½ 40 44 30½ 34 $880,500.00 14.70% 294
Les Kelly 41½ 27 22½ 28 24 $705,012.50 19.70% 214
Kelly Schweida 41½ 49 42 42½ 39 $1,316,050.00 11.20% 377


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Adam Durrant 128 87 80 65½½ 52 $4,371,190.00 20.00% 640
Grant & Alana Williams 92 60½ 39 33½½ 30½½½ $3,889,665.00 24.80% 371
Peter Fernie 67 39 53½ 46 36½½ $1,041,694.00 17.50% 385
Lindsey Smith 61 46½ 30 23 22 $2,099,215.00 21.80% 280
Daniel & Ben Pearce 58 56½ 27½ 45½ 38½½ $1,547,415.00 15.90% 367
Neville Parnham 53 61½½½ 67 70½½½ 66½ $1,917,187.00 7.90% 673
Simon A Miller 52½ 48 35½½ 41½ 27 $2,937,063.00 16.20% 329
David Harrison 47 40 44½ 42 50 $1,337,008.00 11.30% 418
Steve Wolfe 44 46 52½ 33 40 $1,562,110.00 11.40% 387
Brett Pope 42 42 52 48½ 50 $997,840.00 10.30% 411
Daniel Morton 37 24 27 25½ 33½½ $1,137,285.00 13.10% 284
Fred Kersley 36 28 32 31½ 27 $1,444,520.00 12.50% 288
Darren Mcauliffe 35 14 21½ 12 10 $1,349,165.00 24.40% 144
Chris Gangemi 34 28 23 17 7 $1,577,145.00 22.40% 152
Jim P Taylor 31 27 29 25 21 $1,008,260.00 12.50% 248
Tom Pike 25 20 17 16 13 $271,626.00 16.50% 152
Justin Warwick 25 37 28 16 15 $1,741,480.00 12.50% 201
Robert & Todd Harvey 23 27 13 13 7 $620,530.00 18.90% 122
Darryn Pateman 22 17½ 20 21 17 $332,330.00 14.80% 149
Paul Jordan 20 23 18 26½ 21 $733,144.00 9.90% 204


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Tony McEvoy 89 50 36 27 21½ $2,448,640.00 28.20% 316
Grant Young 59 79½ 38 53½½ 60½ $1,506,120.00 11.60% 512
Ryan Balfour 53 52 52 47 44 $1,403,900.00 13.40% 396
Darren Weir 43 21 21 24 20 $3,231,155.00 24.20% 178
Phillip Stokes 42 30 31 34 26 $1,167,830.00 17.10% 246
Lloyd Kennewell 37 37½ 29 27 33 $876,900.00 13.60% 274
Richard Jolly 37 38 30 36 19 $1,121,320.00 14.40% 258
Sue Jaensch 36 23 22 18 18 $683,940.00 20.00% 180
Leon Macdonald & Andrew Gluyas 33½ 40 34 38 43 $1,275,940.00 10.90% 314
John Hickmott 28 46 42 52½ 43½ $798,850.00 7.30% 387
Wayne Francis & Glen Kent 27 24 19 19 21 $712,690.00 14.00% 193
Ken Sweeney 25 27 33 27½ 25 $447,000.00 8.90% 281
Travis Doudle 21 15 11½ 19 10 $487,900.00 18.80% 112
David Jolly 21 24 26 21 27 $444,450.00 11.50% 184
Will Clarken 20 7 15 9 8 $905,185.00 20.00% 100
Chris Bieg 20 22 18½ 17 15 $507,850.00 11.30% 177
Gary Searle 17 8 15 13 16 $311,300.00 10.90% 157
Shane Oxlade 17 21½ 18 30 25½ $447,485.00 8.00% 214
Dennis O'Leary 16 8 13 7 4 $270,150.00 19.30% 83
Niki O'Shea & Ashton Downing 16 11 11 14 10 $248,600.00 15.40% 104


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Scott Brunton 69 55 42 43 41 $1,437,250.00 18.30% 379
John Blacker 44 30 30 41 32 $784,063.00 12.70% 349
Adam Trinder 40 37 37 36 34 $736,810.50 14.00% 287
Barry Campbell 38 32 33 22 24 $696,820.00 16.90% 226
Stuart Gandy 32 38 40 35 23 $735,380.00 13.70% 234
Leon, Dean & Trent Wells 26 45 30 34 41 $686,950.00 8.40% 311
Royston Carr 18 13 10 10 14 $286,450.00 16.40% 110
Glenn Stevenson 16 1 7 4 6 $306,425.00 32.00% 50
Bill Ryan 16 7 14 5 11 $278,100.00 20.60% 78
Gary White 14 8 9 13 11 $211,800.00 11.70% 120
Jim Taylor 13 15 6 13 7 $33,975.00 21.70% 60
John Luttrell 11 10 10 15 21 $192,050.00 7.50% 148
Chris Crook & Imogen Miller 10 14 13 19 6 $185,350.50 9.00% 112
Debbie Monson 9 5 5 3 0 $19,060.00 34.70% 26
Alana Fulton 9 7 14 17 13 $163,137.50 7.90% 115
Tegan Keys 9 12 10 10 12 $165,825.00 11.70% 77
Rhonda Mangan 9 12 18 10 9 $195,500.00 8.50% 107
Michael Trinder 8 6 2 5 1 $119,975.00 16.70% 48
Graeme Mcculloch 8 10 14 11 17 $147,650.00 5.30% 151
Robert Keys 7 8 14 9 10 $21,125.00 13.00% 54


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Keith Dryden & Scott Collings 30 21 17 12 10 $600,910.00 20.90% 144
Nick Olive 22 21 13 14 8 $481,240.00 19.70% 112
Barbara Joseph & Paul Jones 17 12 12 13 15 $455,645.00 16.40% 104
Gratz Vella 14 14 15 13 7 $291,665.00 13.50% 104
Matthew Dale 11 13 10 7 4 $233,970.00 13.80% 80
Brad Widdup 7 1 3 1 2 $97,365.00 38.90% 18
Paul Facoory 7 7 6 11 10 $152,520.00 8.30% 85
Luke Pepper 6 5 5 4 4 $119,225.00 15.80% 38
Peter & Paul Snowden 4 1 2 1 0 $169,355.00 36.40% 11
Norm Gardner 4 4 5 5 6 $88,685.00 10.00% 40
Kurt Goldman 4 5 3 0 0 $78,280.00 21.10% 19
Neil Osborne 4 5 3 7 3 $85,325.00 7.90% 51
Joseph Pride 3 1 1 0 0 $44,200.00 37.50% 8
David Pfieffer 3 1 3 1 1 $45,595.00 20.00% 15
Joe Cleary 3 2 0 3 3 $73,995.00 12.50% 24
Kerri Kulic 3 2 4 6 4 $64,340.00 7.40% 41
Rob Potter 3 6 4 2 2 $83,080.00 10.40% 29
Joseph Ible 2 2 2 1 2 $48,340.00 12.50% 16
Todd Smart 2 2 3 3 0 $43,540.00 7.70% 26
John Rolfe 2 2 3 3 1 $41,040.00 9.60% 21


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Gary Clarke 52 30 26 30 22 $1,006,410.00 21.70% 240
Lisa Whittle 34 51 37 46 38 $690,400.00 12.10% 283
Dick Leech 25 17 18 20 15 $464,050.00 15.60% 161
Philip Cole 24 27 30 20 34 $514,475.00 10.90% 221
Leanne Gillett 21 20 20 16 27 $417,525.00 13.30% 158
Mark Nyhan 20 17 17 15 12 $391,670.00 17.60% 114
Kerry Petrick 19 18½ 18 17 22 $367,267.50 11.40% 167
Will Savage 18 13 18 17 14 $304,495.00 15.00% 120
Carl Spry 18 19½ 19 7 11 $378,812.50 15.60% 116
Kevin Lamprecht 13 17 14 12 8 $260,435.00 12.50% 104
Russell Bell 12 6 8 10 12 $176,650.00 16.00% 75
Greg Connor 12 17 13 7 12 $238,880.00 12.40% 97
Neil Dyer 11 13 18 13 18 $440,010.00 9.10% 122
Garry Lefoe 11 14 23 15 18 $397,205.00 8.60% 129
Chris Pollard 9 12½ 7 19 15 $182,987.50 7.20% 125
Tayarn Halter 9 13 14 8 13 $217,785.00 7.70% 118
Jason Manning 8 7 10 14 10 $182,575.00 8.70% 93
David Bates 8 12 2 4 1 $161,600.00 23.60% 34
Bob Richard 7 7 7 11 9 $141,175.00 9.90% 71
Patrick Johnston 5 5 8 10 7 $106,200.00 7.70% 65


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Chris Waller 252½ 233½ 217 196½½½ 186½½ $32,007,290.00 14.10% 1798
Darren Weir 207 142½½½ 138 126½½½ 134½ $24,596,000.00 16.30% 1272
James Cummings 123 98½ 113 87 83 $13,124,470.00 16.60% 744
David & B Hayes & T Dabernig 110 105½½½ 99½½ 113½½ 89½ $19,534,910.00 10.50% 1049
Tony Gollan 90 100 66 56 54 $5,104,465.00 15.70% 574
Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 79 73 47½½ 47 53 $9,536,857.00 16.30% 486
Tony McEvoy 78 55 49 39 34½ $8,413,245.00 18.20% 430
Peter & Paul Snowden 76½ 68 53½ 43 53 $14,526,920.00 14.70% 526
Scott Brunton 73 56½ 48 44 43 $1,840,050.00 18.50% 396
Adam Durrant 71 47 51 28½ 34 $3,447,639.00 18.70% 381
Grant & Alana Williams 63 34½ 29 26½½ 23½½½ $3,405,495.00 23.50% 269
Toby Edmonds 62 43½ 37½ 29½ 22½ $2,893,185.00 20.30% 306
Kris Lees 51 46 49 37 38½ $5,132,543.00 12.60% 407
Michael, Wayne & John Hawkes 51 54½½ 40 50½ 47½ $6,779,758.00 13.50% 379
Matthew Dunn 50½ 37 28½ 43½ 42 $2,705,438.00 14.50% 353
Robert Heathcote 49 47 45 38½ 30 $2,313,026.00 13.30% 369
Ben Currie 46 33 19 16 26 $1,777,325.00 20.70% 223
Gary Clarke 45 27 21 27 21 $858,995.00 21.60% 209
John Blacker 44 30 30 40½ 31½ $784,063.00 12.70% 349
Simon A Miller 41½ 37 27½½ 31½ 19 $2,711,273.00 16.10% 262


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Chris Waller 189 160 166 148½ 134½ $20,541,860.00 14.80% 1278
James Cummings 94 72½ 78 64 52 $8,149,040.00 18.70% 504
Peter & Paul Snowden 60½ 57 37½ 37 43 $11,685,770.00 15.20% 403
Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 53 53 30½½ 37 39 $4,894,750.00 15.90% 334
Kris Lees 42 40 44 31 28½ $4,290,593.00 12.60% 335
Bjorn Baker 36 24 31 30 15 $2,963,650.00 14.50% 249
Gerald Ryan 34 36½ 30 32 28 $5,703,340.00 13.60% 251
Michael, Wayne & John Hawkes 28 35 28 36½ 24 $5,010,703.00 12.50% 225
Joseph Pride 27 25 36 27 22 $1,943,005.00 12.00% 225
John P Thompson 18 23 23½ 21 24 $1,502,680.00 7.90% 230
Danny Williams 15 14 10 5 6 $982,425.00 15.80% 95
Jason Coyle 15 14 13 21 23 $1,225,420.00 8.10% 186
Mark Newnham 14 7 15 6 15 $1,138,615.00 14.60% 96
Gary Portelli 13½ 14 16 14 14 $1,476,333.00 9.60% 147
Brad Widdup 12 12 11 11 7 $800,165.00 14.20% 85
John O'Shea 10 4 11 9 7 $1,015,240.00 14.80% 68
Matthew Dunn 9 6 5 5 9 $531,500.00 17.40% 52
David Pfieffer 9 8 14½ 12 11 $721,105.00 9.00% 100
Ron Quinton 9 11 9 9 9 $1,376,750.00 10.60% 85
David Payne 12 11 11 21 $1,386,943.00 8.90% 113


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Darren Weir 153 114 111 97 112 $16,945,120.00 14.90% 1032
David & B Hayes & T Dabernig 91 91 85 92 73 $14,768,570.00 10.70% 858
Mick Price 33 33 43 34 24 $4,982,960.00 10.10% 329
Mathew Ellerton & Simon Zahra 24 36 30 33 30 $2,820,540.00 8.70% 278
Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 23 12 13 6 12 $3,021,940.00 21.20% 109
James Cummings 23 22 31 19 24 $3,812,135.00 11.50% 201
Chris Waller 23 29 16 19 22 $5,239,985.00 10.40% 222
Tony McEvoy 21 20 26 19 14 $3,591,845.00 11.10% 190
Michael, Wayne & John Hawkes 21 21 12 12 23 $1,582,795.00 14.60% 144
Robert Smerdon 16 14 7 6 11 $1,267,013.00 14.60% 110
Danny O'Brien 15 18 18 18 22 $1,420,920.00 9.10% 165
Michael Kent 14 11 19 17 21 $1,347,473.00 9.80% 143
Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 13 10 13 11 10 $1,253,355.00 11.70% 112
Leon & Troy Corstens 13 11 20 12 19 $1,248,840.00 9.00% 145
Aaron Purcell 13 16 17 17 15 $2,579,700.00 9.00% 146
David Brideoake 12 6 7 8 9 $930,900.00 14.90% 81
Michael Moroney 12 8 12 11 18 $1,095,690.00 8.90% 136
Ciaron Maher 12 9 15 10 9 $1,085,660.00 10.30% 117
Patrick Payne 12 13 6 10 5 $1,037,910.00 18.50% 65
Anthony Freedman 12 13 10 10 8 $1,686,900.00 11.60% 104


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Tony Gollan 90 99 64 55 53 $4,962,690.00 16.00% 565
Toby Edmonds 59 43½ 33½ 29½ 22½ $2,370,700.00 20.20% 293
Robert Heathcote 49 47 45 38½ 30 $2,309,901.00 13.40% 368
Ben Currie 46 33 19 16 26 $1,777,325.00 20.70% 223
Matthew Dunn 41½ 31 23½ 38½ 33 $2,170,938.00 14.00% 300
Chris Waller 40 45 34 30½ 30½ $5,943,803.00 13.90% 289
Steven O'dea 34 31 27 29 16 $1,583,000.00 16.00% 213
David Vandyke 28 17 12 11 12 $770,811.00 23.40% 120
Chris Munce 21 13 20½ 20 18 $1,106,975.00 10.50% 200
Tony Sears 21 15 16 10 15 $717,650.00 14.80% 142
Michael Costa 17 9 7 11 2 $683,575.00 22.40% 76
Kelly Schweida 17 22 19 26½ 15 $928,375.00 8.40% 204
Stuart Kendrick 17 23 26 20½ 32 $1,135,000.00 7.10% 240
Liam Birchley 16 17 26 18 7 $1,032,900.00 9.80% 164
Darryl Hansen 15 9 5 7 5 $823,475.00 19.80% 76
Bryan & Daniel Guy 15 19 9 15 11½ $406,500.00 13.00% 116
Gary Duncan 13 4 8 7 14 $471,250.00 13.70% 95
Chris Anderson 12 17 17½ 15 14 $649,725.00 10.20% 118
Brian Smith 11 9 15 10 13 $379,500.00 10.20% 108
Barry Lockwood 10 21 12 12 13 $543,325.00 8.70% 115


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Adam Durrant 71 47 51 28½ 34 $3,447,639.00 18.70% 381
Grant & Alana Williams 63 34½ 29 26½½ 23½½½ $3,405,495.00 23.50% 269
Simon A Miller 41½ 37 27½½ 31½ 19 $2,711,273.00 16.10% 262
Neville Parnham 39 43½½ 42 46½½½ 40½ $1,634,682.00 8.90% 441
Lindsey Smith 35 32½ 19 15 18 $1,725,040.00 18.40% 191
Fred Kersley 32 17 22 26½ 21 $1,314,270.00 14.90% 216
David Harrison 26 21 23 28 31 $1,003,535.00 10.10% 258
Daniel & Ben Pearce 26 23½ 12½ 24½ 21½½ $1,056,545.00 14.30% 182
Jim P Taylor 24 21 26 16 17 $910,810.00 11.80% 205
Daniel Morton 21 13 16 14½ 19½½ $886,465.00 12.30% 171
Chris Gangemi 21 22 18 13 7 $1,191,345.00 18.00% 117
Darren Mcauliffe 20 10 17½ 10 4 $1,114,340.00 20.70% 97
Brett Pope 13 17 21 17 20 $526,555.00 7.00% 186
Justine Erkelens 12 8 3 10 $335,100.00 20.70% 58
Steve Wolfe 12 19 19½ 11 22 $964,410.00 6.90% 174
Justin Warwick 12 20 13 9 7 $1,447,150.00 11.30% 107
Alan Mathews 11 14 14 13 12 $1,578,690.00 10.80% 102
Paul Jordan 11 17 9 12½ 13 $594,609.00 8.10% 136
Trevor Andrews 10 12 14 8 10 $550,450.00 9.40% 107
Vaughn Sigley 10½ 12 12½ 11½ 19 $547,100.00 9.00% 123


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Tony McEvoy 52 30 21 19 19½ $2,009,950.00 23.80% 219
Darren Weir 42 21 21 24 20 $3,199,655.00 23.80% 177
Phillip Stokes 26 20 20 18 17 $971,650.00 16.80% 155
Ryan Balfour 26 24 31 23 25 $973,600.00 11.60% 225
Richard Jolly 21 23 24 28 12 $901,210.00 11.90% 177
Leon Macdonald & Andrew Gluyas 19½ 25 23 28 28 $1,091,890.00 10.00% 200
Will Clarken 17 7 13 7 7 $877,785.00 20.80% 82
Grant Young 15 33 15 17½½ 34 $856,200.00 6.40% 237
Lloyd Kennewell 14 24 19 13 17 $606,500.00 9.10% 155
David & B Hayes & T Dabernig 12 11 12 12 9 $1,049,160.00 12.00% 100
John Hickmott 11 15 15 22½ 17½ $510,650.00 7.30% 152
Travis Doudle 10 7 11 2 $350,100.00 17.30% 58
Patrick Payne 10 10 4 1 2 $622,900.00 32.30% 31
Chris Bieg 9 8 10½ 7 7 $296,650.00 9.30% 97
Wayne Francis & Glen Kent 8 8 8 5 10 $447,690.00 10.20% 79
Gordon Richards 8 15 19½ 16 22 $421,650.00 6.10% 133
Sue Jaensch 7 4 0 5 6 $337,690.00 15.60% 45
Mick Huxtable 6 3 9 2 4 $268,300.00 16.70% 36
Barry Brook 6 4 6 4 4 $223,300.00 13.40% 45
Jon O'connor 6 9 7 5 8 $219,600.00 9.00% 67


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Scott Brunton 69 55 42 43 41 $1,437,250.00 18.30% 379
John Blacker 44 30 30 41 32 $784,063.00 12.70% 349
Adam Trinder 40 37 37 36 34 $736,810.50 14.00% 287
Barry Campbell 38 32 33 22 24 $696,820.00 16.90% 226
Stuart Gandy 32 38 40 35 23 $735,380.00 13.70% 234
Leon, Dean & Trent Wells 26 45 30 34 41 $686,950.00 8.40% 311
Royston Carr 18 13 10 10 14 $286,450.00 16.40% 110
Glenn Stevenson 16 1 7 4 6 $306,425.00 32.00% 50
Bill Ryan 16 7 14 5 11 $278,100.00 20.60% 78
Gary White 14 8 9 13 11 $211,800.00 11.70% 120
John Luttrell 11 10 10 15 21 $192,050.00 7.50% 148
Chris Crook & Imogen Miller 10 14 13 19 6 $185,350.50 9.00% 112
Alana Fulton 9 7 14 17 13 $163,137.50 7.90% 115
Tegan Keys 9 12 10 10 12 $165,825.00 11.70% 77
Rhonda Mangan 9 12 18 10 9 $195,500.00 8.50% 107
Michael Trinder 8 6 2 5 1 $119,975.00 16.70% 48
Graeme Mcculloch 8 10 14 11 17 $147,650.00 5.30% 151
Mark Ganderton 7 6 8 2 1 $107,900.00 19.00% 37
Rowan Hamer 7 7 9 6 8 $116,250.00 8.70% 81
Adrian Duggan 7 8 7 6 11 $124,050.00 8.10% 87


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Gary Clarke 45 27 21 27 21 $858,995.00 21.60% 209
Philip Cole 22 25 24 15 30 $462,000.00 11.30% 196
Carl Spry 18 18½ 18 7 10 $372,412.50 16.40% 110
Kerry Petrick 14 11½ 14 16 15 $270,062.50 10.90% 129
Garry Lefoe 9 9 16 9 14 $332,930.00 10.00% 90
Neil Dyer 9 11 14 11 17 $388,935.00 8.20% 111
Chris Pollard 9 12½ 7 19 15 $182,987.50 7.20% 125
David Bates 8 11 2 3 1 $157,600.00 25.00% 32
Bob Richard 7 7 6 11 8 $138,175.00 10.30% 68
Jason Manning 7 7 10 14 10 $171,200.00 7.70% 92
Dick Leech 7 8 8 9 9 $158,345.00 9.00% 78
Tayarn Halter 7 12 13 6 10 $179,050.00 6.80% 104
Karen Byrnes 5 0 2 2 1 $69,625.00 50.00% 10
Heather Lehmann 5 1 1 6 2 $73,100.00 19.30% 26
Patrick Johnston 5 3 6 7 6 $92,100.00 10.50% 48
Mark Nyhan 4 2 3 5 2 $69,575.00 16.70% 24
Craig Conron 3 1 7 5 0 $66,050.00 10.80% 28
Paul & Tracey Templeton 3 2 3 1 1 $60,625.00 14.30% 21
Shane Clarke 3 3 4 4 4 $56,300.00 7.40% 41
Sherrie Lawlor 3 10 6 5 6 $96,900.00 6.60% 46


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Ben Currie 106 76½ 69 53½ 46 $1,401,225.00 22.00% 484
James Cummings 84 57 46 36 26½ $2,312,830.00 28.00% 301
Chris Waller 75 78 65 62½ 47½ $2,105,110.00 15.70% 478
Stuart Kendrick 65½½ 55 47 45½ 42 $992,600.00 17.70% 379
Peter & Paul Snowden 63 40 45 24½½ 19½½ $1,712,350.00 25.00% 253
Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 56½ 43 36 24 32½½ $1,652,155.00 20.20% 283
Adam Durrant 54 35 23 35½ 17 $862,786.00 22.80% 237
Peter Fernie 54 35 45½ 33 26 $869,852.00 18.00% 301
Kris Lees 54½ 40 29 40 28 $1,725,110.00 22.00% 251
Tony Gollan 45 41 29½½ 25½½½ 30 $695,450.00 17.70% 255
Grant Young 41 43 23 34 22½ $606,670.00 16.10% 255
Lindsay Hatch 39 31 26 21 22 $563,225.00 20.80% 188
Michael Nolan 39½ 35 31 22½ 26 $580,425.00 18.70% 215
Tony McEvoy 37 20 15 8 2 $438,690.00 38.60% 96
Roy Chillemi 36 23½ 23 18 17 $518,675.00 21.10% 171
Chris Anderson 35 19 10 35½ 21½ $452,900.00 19.30% 182
Tom Button 34 31 25 25½ 21 $483,375.00 15.70% 217
Lisa Whittle 34 50 37 45 38 $686,400.00 12.20% 280
Les Kelly 34½ 20 16 20 15 $468,600.00 25.00% 140
Robert Heathcote 33½ 25 36½ 25½ 21 $550,325.00 15.50% 220


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
James Cummings 84 57 46 36 26½ $2,312,830.00 28.00% 300
Chris Waller 67 70 61 57½ 39½ $1,947,835.00 15.70% 428
Peter & Paul Snowden 63 40 45 24½½ 19½½ $1,712,350.00 25.00% 253
Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 56½ 43 35 23 32½½ $1,644,555.00 20.30% 281
Kris Lees 49½ 38 29 38 26 $1,668,110.00 21.10% 238
Michael, Wayne & John Hawkes 32 29 20 9 6 $928,940.00 24.30% 132
Bjorn Baker 29 29 30 25 17 $898,710.00 17.00% 171
Joseph Pride 28 22 18 19 13 $886,140.00 21.90% 128
Kim Waugh 27 19½ 14 8 4 $843,240.00 26.30% 103
Gwenda Markwell 27½ 35 29 46 34½½ $955,900.00 9.40% 298
Gerald Ryan 26 31 23 18 16 $785,135.00 15.50% 168
John P Thompson 26 31 25 19½ 28 $884,510.00 11.40% 229
Mark Newnham 25½ 14 15 10 12 $656,800.00 24.10% 108
Brad Widdup 23 12 9 15 9 $520,370.00 25.30% 91
Jason Coyle 21 11 32 27 27 $601,330.00 11.30% 187
Paul Perry 19 25 30 28 23 $675,995.00 9.20% 208
David Pfieffer 17 11 10 11 17 $421,465.00 16.60% 103
John Sargent 17 16 21 12 16 $590,285.00 12.30% 139
Gary Portelli 16 27 23 16 24 $550,930.00 10.90% 147
Scott Singleton 15 14 13 13½ 23 $445,820.00 10.30% 146


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Ben Currie 106 76½ 69 53½ 46 $1,401,225.00 22.00% 484
Stuart Kendrick 65½½ 55 47 45½ 42 $992,600.00 17.70% 379
Tony Gollan 45 41 29½½ 25½½½ 30 $695,450.00 17.70% 255
Lindsay Hatch 39 31 26 21 22 $563,225.00 20.80% 188
Michael Nolan 39½ 35 31 22½ 26 $580,425.00 18.70% 215
Roy Chillemi 36 23½ 23 18 17 $518,675.00 21.10% 171
Chris Anderson 35 19 10 35½ 21½ $452,900.00 19.30% 182
Tom Button 34 31 25 25½ 21 $483,375.00 15.70% 217
Les Kelly 34½ 20 16 20 15 $468,600.00 25.00% 140
Trinity Bannon 33 12 19½ 6 10 $383,100.00 26.20% 126
Robert Heathcote 33½ 25 36½ 25½ 21 $550,325.00 15.50% 220
David Vandyke 32 21½ 12 10 10 $451,850.00 28.40% 113
Chris Munce 32½ 32 21 24 32½ $469,300.00 14.30% 232
Kevin Kemp 31 19 38 27½ 19 $421,075.00 15.50% 200
Tony Sears 31 23 16 13 18 $395,150.00 22.40% 139
Steven O'dea 30 25 27½ 17 13 $509,000.00 20.70% 145
Lyle Wright 30 25½ 19 16 12 $486,750.00 20.50% 147
Toby Edmonds 30½ 21 20 17 15 $458,225.00 21.70% 143
Darryl Hansen 28 27 12 15 10 $464,450.00 18.80% 149
John Manzelmann 27 31½½ 35 32 33 $411,200.00 8.50% 321


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Adam Durrant 54 35 23 35½ 17 $862,786.00 22.80% 237
Peter Fernie 54 35 45½ 33 26 $869,852.00 18.00% 301
Steve Wolfe 32 26 32 21 17 $590,410.00 15.40% 209
Brett Pope 29 21 31 31½ 27 $462,005.00 13.50% 215
Grant & Alana Williams 29 26 10 7 7 $484,170.00 28.50% 102
Daniel & Ben Pearce 27 31 13 15 15 $431,675.00 16.60% 163
Lindsey Smith 26 13 10 7 4 $369,690.00 30.30% 86
David Harrison 21 18 21½ 13 17 $330,473.00 13.70% 154
Daniel Morton 16 10 11 10 11 $243,550.00 15.70% 102
Gordon Spowart 16 14 18 17 11 $234,245.00 14.50% 111
Sarah Childs 16 15 15 16 14 $232,775.00 13.00% 124
Robert & Todd Harvey 15 11 7 3 3 $198,160.00 25.90% 58
Darren Mcauliffe 14 4 4 2 6 $222,025.00 30.50% 46
Peter & Matthew Giadresco 14½ 16 16 12 7 $252,503.00 16.40% 92
Roy Rogers 13 10 16 19 10 $190,630.00 9.50% 138
Paul Hunter 13 12 6 11 14 $195,265.00 13.30% 98
Brett Mathews 13 14 16 20 13 $237,990.00 10.40% 126
Justin Warwick 13 16 14 7 8 $285,230.00 14.20% 92
Chris Gangemi 12 6 4 4 0 $376,165.00 36.40% 33
Michael Lane 12 6 6 5 8 $251,835.00 24.50% 49


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Grant Young 41 43 23 34 22½ $606,670.00 16.10% 255
Tony McEvoy 37 20 15 8 2 $438,690.00 38.60% 96
Ryan Balfour 23 22 16 18 17 $378,850.00 17.50% 132
Lloyd Kennewell 21 13½ 9 14 16 $256,100.00 18.30% 115
Wayne Francis & Glen Kent 19 16 11 14 11 $265,000.00 16.70% 114
Phillip Stokes 16 10 11 15 9 $195,580.00 17.80% 90
Richard Jolly 15 11 5 8 7 $203,910.00 20.00% 75
Grant Kluske 13 8 7 3 7 $184,850.00 16.10% 81
David Jolly 13 17 15 12 12 $195,500.00 13.20% 99
Gary Searle 12 4 9 4 8 $171,900.00 13.00% 93
Darryl Carrison 12 12 7 6 11 $173,750.00 14.70% 82
Ken Sweeney 11 11 15 12 10 $164,750.00 8.50% 130
Leon Macdonald & Andrew Gluyas 11 14 10 10 15 $160,650.00 10.30% 107
Sue Jaensch 10 4 5 5 6 $122,700.00 20.00% 50
John Hickmott 10 18 20 22 22 $191,250.00 5.90% 172
Travis Doudle 9 8 5 7 8 $120,400.00 19.20% 47
Brian Mueller 9 9 5 7 6 $127,450.00 17.70% 51
Chris Bieg 9 12 7 9 6 $190,500.00 13.50% 67
Shane Oxlade 9 13½ 9 20 12½ $159,350.00 7.70% 118
Emma Hubbard 8 5 9 9 7 $110,250.00 12.70% 63


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Lisa Whittle 34 50 37 45 38 $686,400.00 12.20% 280
Leanne Gillett 20 19 19 15 26 $399,425.00 13.20% 152
Dick Leech 18 9 10 11 6 $305,705.00 21.70% 83
Will Savage 16 12 18 17 14 $276,695.00 14.10% 114
Mark Nyhan 14 15 13 10 10 $295,370.00 16.10% 87
Russell Bell 12 6 8 10 12 $176,650.00 16.00% 75
Greg Connor 12 10 10 4 10 $195,460.00 17.20% 70
Kevin Lamprecht 11 13 10 7 6 $198,285.00 14.00% 79
Garry Lefoe (Snr) 5 0 5 4 3 $71,825.00 20.90% 24
Gary Clarke 5 2 4 2 1 $116,415.00 19.30% 26
Ken Rogerson 4 4 8 6 2 $82,285.00 10.00% 40
Kerry Petrick 4 5 4 0 7 $76,930.00 12.20% 33
Terry Huish 3 2 1 2 2 $40,875.00 18.80% 16
Paul Gardner 3 2 2 6 6 $47,410.00 9.70% 31
Shane M Green 2 1 2 0 2 $28,900.00 20.00% 10
Darryl Oxlade 2 2 0 1 1 $28,635.00 18.20% 11
Angela Forster 2 2 0 1 1 $56,030.00 22.30% 9
George Cooke 2 1 2 2 $32,975.00 11.20% 18
Garry Lefoe 2 3 5 6 4 $51,825.00 6.10% 33
Emmie Wehr 2 7 4 3 1 $54,750.00 6.50% 31


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Darren Weir 281½ 235½½ 237½ 202½ 203½ $6,722,392.00 14.90% 1901
David & B Hayes & T Dabernig 140 118½ 123½ 109½ 98 $3,127,617.00 15.10% 933
Mick Price 92 63 55 49 36 $1,783,321.00 20.80% 443
Kris Lees 86 80½ 63½½ 43 41 $1,558,228.00 20.40% 423
Mathew Ellerton & Simon Zahra 62½½ 70½ 54 55½ 43 $1,457,255.00 14.60% 439
Robbie Griffiths 56 61½ 63 66 54 $1,334,607.00 12.50% 450
Rodney Robb 54 39 34 33 22 $392,790.00 18.80% 288
Brett Cavanough 54 42 27 34½ 21 $948,685.00 19.50% 278
John Manzelmann 53 37 49 42 39 $445,905.00 16.70% 319
Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 52 44½ 36½ 24 24 $1,050,618.00 18.70% 279
Symon Wilde 52 50½ 44 31 48 $1,441,169.00 14.50% 359
Bevan Johnson 52½½ 53½ 47 46 40 $449,037.50 16.50% 329
Ciaron Maher 50 36 20½ 23 25 $926,151.00 21.10% 238
Aaron Purcell 50 46 34 34 33 $1,219,116.00 16.00% 314
John McArdle 45 36 25 26 16 $852,890.00 20.00% 225
Paul Perry 44 51 52 46 34 $994,765.00 11.50% 385
Henry Dwyer 43 39 40 41 33 $951,879.00 12.10% 357
Matt Cumani 42 29 31 28 18½ $856,883.50 18.40% 229
Bjorn Baker 41 31½ 21 15 12 $765,270.00 24.60% 167
Luke Oliver 41 46 45 40 35 $869,847.00 11.00% 374


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Kris Lees 86 80½ 63½½ 43 41 $1,558,228.00 20.40% 423
Brett Cavanough 54 42 27 34½ 21 $948,685.00 19.50% 278
Rodney Robb 44 29 28 29 19 $309,680.00 17.40% 254
Paul Perry 44 51 52 46 34 $992,365.00 11.50% 384
Bjorn Baker 41 31½ 21 15 12 $765,270.00 24.60% 167
Matthew Dunn 40 28 20 24 12 $793,235.00 22.80% 176
Barbara Joseph & Paul Jones 39 42½ 33 36 28 $848,430.00 13.80% 283
Matthew Dale 37 21½ 19 15 17½ $562,045.00 23.50% 158
Gayna Williams 35 28 31 16 12 $615,975.00 19.90% 176
Trevor Sutherland 34 62 62 67 48½ $647,377.00 6.20% 557
Cameron Crockett 31 26 20 13 15 $569,410.00 21.60% 144
Keith Dryden & Scott Collings 31 27 19 17½ 14 $564,052.50 15.90% 196
Neil Godbolt 30 33 18 29 25 $567,010.00 12.90% 234
Danny Williams 29 19½ 21½ 15 17 $695,430.00 18.50% 157
Joe Cleary 28 19 23 22½ 17 $469,447.50 18.60% 151
Nick Olive 27 32½ 18 16 21 $534,015.00 13.80% 197
Allan Denham 26 26½ 20 17 14 $480,025.00 18.20% 143
Sue Grills 26½ 33 36 23 17 $503,825.00 9.80% 276
Stirling Osland 25 23 24 13 19 $413,875.00 14.00% 179
Chris Heywood 25 32 31 32 23½½ $519,785.00 10.60% 238


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Darren Weir 282 237 238 203 204 $6,722,392.00 14.90% 1901
David & B Hayes & T Dabernig 135 114 121 107 96 $3,015,202.00 14.90% 910
Mick Price 92 63 55 49 36 $1,783,321.00 20.80% 443
Mathew Ellerton & Simon Zahra 64 71 54 56 43 $1,457,255.00 14.60% 439
Robbie Griffiths 56 62 63 66 54 $1,334,607.00 12.50% 450
Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 52 45 37 24 24 $1,050,618.00 18.70% 279
Ciaron Maher 50 36 21 23 25 $926,151.00 21.10% 238
Aaron Purcell 50 46 34 34 33 $1,219,116.00 16.00% 314
Symon Wilde 50 51 43 31 48 $1,419,669.00 14.10% 355
John McArdle 45 36 25 26 16 $852,890.00 20.00% 225
Henry Dwyer 43 39 40 41 33 $951,879.00 12.10% 357
Matt Cumani 42 29 31 28 19 $856,883.50 18.50% 228
Luke Oliver 40 46 45 40 34 $857,242.00 10.90% 369
Greg Eurell 39 22 24 28 27 $851,019.00 17.60% 222
Patrick Payne 35 36 34 20 25 $881,608.00 16.30% 215
Danny O'Brien 34 26 26 23 22 $699,660.00 16.80% 203
Michael Moroney 34 34 27 27 16 $987,844.00 14.60% 233
Michael Kent 33 16 18 30 14 $650,849.50 21.10% 157
Robbie Laing 33 26 24 38 37 $704,702.00 11.00% 300
Brent Stanley 32 19 29 19 9 $599,059.00 19.20% 167


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
John Manzelmann 53 37 49 42 39 $445,905.00 16.70% 319
Bevan Johnson 52½½ 53½ 47 46 40 $449,037.50 16.50% 329
Todd Austin 35 33 22 21 17 $296,925.00 19.10% 184
Craig Smith 31 28½ 21 20 18 $271,650.00 18.70% 166
Tanya Parry 29½ 42 48 57 64 $271,825.00 8.20% 366
Denise Ballard 22½ 21 15 16 12 $180,550.00 19.40% 119
Wayne Baker 20 14 12 14½ 12 $147,417.50 21.10% 95
Darryl Gardiner 19 22 20 22 25 $149,000.00 13.50% 141
David Rewald 18 17½ 13 21 22 $142,850.00 10.80% 167
Ben Williams 17 11 8 8 10 $131,800.00 22.70% 75
Glenn Richardson 17 16 15 12 11 $125,730.00 14.60% 117
Henry Forster 17 17 15 19 15 $145,600.00 12.90% 132
Jay Morris 14 9 7 2 2 $105,935.00 34.20% 41
Bob Murray 14 15 15 14 13 $115,175.00 11.90% 118
Stephen Massingham 13 9 7 5 5 $92,850.00 28.30% 46
Mark Oates 13 11 9 5 9 $98,575.00 18.40% 71
Alwyn Bailey 13 11 17 14 12 $102,910.00 13.70% 95
Trevor Rowe 13 14 17 24½ 22 $130,935.00 8.50% 153
Robert Burow 13 14½ 8 4 4 $128,790.00 27.70% 47
Kerry Krogh 12 16 15 19 17 $104,125.00 10.00% 121


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Tom Pike 24 19 16 13 10 $242,301.00 23.10% 104
Darryn Pateman 22 16½ 19 21 15 $315,210.00 16.20% 136
Peter Fernie 13 4 8 13 9½½ $165,242.00 17.20% 76
Graeme Hammarquist 11 7 10 4 6 $92,072.00 23.50% 47
Meryl Hayley 10 10 12 11 8 $128,682.00 12.00% 84
Jacquelyn Scott 10 21 14 13 13 $109,057.00 8.60% 117
Jack Cockell 9 2 6 3 $60,660.00 27.30% 33
Fiona J Scott 9 6 5 5 4 $106,495.00 16.70% 54
Helen Harding 9 7 8 4 $121,592.00 11.60% 78
Rod Brown 9 13 11 5 7 $152,425.00 13.50% 67
Ray Malpass 9 16 17½ 14 10 $97,077.00 9.50% 95
Dion Luciani 8 2 4 3 0 $45,310.00 40.00% 20
Robert Gulberti 8 7 8 6 7 $136,190.00 14.30% 56
Jacqueline Henderson 8 9 6 8 $118,650.00 14.60% 55
John Gangemi 7 3 3 3 1 $82,860.00 36.90% 19
Kelvin Moore 7 4 7 6 5 $70,270.00 21.30% 33
Rodney Robb 7 8 4 3 2 $54,760.00 29.20% 24
Michelle Vallentine 7 8 8 13 $90,099.00 9.80% 72
Dean Cocivera 7 9 6 5 $78,590.00 12.80% 55
Brett Mathews 6 9 7 4 6 $85,450.00 8.30% 73


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Sue Jaensch 19 15 17 8 6 $223,550.00 22.40% 85
Trevor Trenowden 11 6 2 3 6 $80,860.00 31.50% 35
Ken Sweeney 11 10 10 5 3 $112,550.00 19.70% 56
Dennis McMahon 10 3 3 5 1 $78,280.00 28.60% 35
Sue Murphy 9 14 12 7 13 $129,500.00 9.90% 91
Dennis O'Leary 8 1 2 1 0 $76,350.00 40.00% 20
Niki O'Shea & Ashton Downing 8 4 2 2 3 $74,700.00 38.10% 21
Heather Lehmann 7 3 2 5 2 $70,300.00 27.00% 26
Wally Bencic 7 4 3 3 6 $66,750.00 25.00% 28
Nicole Bruggemann 7 5 11 7 2 $63,250.00 13.50% 52
John Hickmott 7 13 7 8 4 $96,950.00 11.20% 63
Peter Hardacre 6 1 4 3 6 $61,150.00 19.40% 31
Michael O'leary 6 2 0 11 7 $75,050.00 13.70% 44
Richard Nicholson 6 2 5 4 0 $59,950.00 22.30% 27
Darryl Dodson 6 3 2 3 5 $70,450.00 21.50% 28
Karen Byrnes 5 3 0 0 0 $44,100.00 38.50% 13
Kylie Mckerlie 5 4 9 8 4 $59,080.00 12.50% 40
Ryan Balfour 4 6 5 6 2 $51,450.00 10.30% 39
Darren Magro 4 7 4 2 4 $48,850.00 16.70% 24
Paul Preusker 4 9 5 5 4 $61,400.00 12.20% 33


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Jim Taylor 13 15 6 11 7 $32,125.00 24.10% 54
Debbie Monson 9 5 5 3 0 $19,060.00 34.70% 26
Robert Keys 7 8 14 9 10 $21,125.00 13.00% 54
Ian Johnson 2 3 2 2 3 $5,500.00 16.70% 12
Paula Mallinson 1 1 1 1 1 $2,500.00 20.00% 5
Rod Mcgarvie 1 1 5 7 8 $4,290.00 3.90% 26


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Will Savage 2 0 0 0 0 $23,600.00 100.00% 2
Mark Nyhan 2 0 1 0 0 $26,725.00 66.70% 3
Gary Clarke 2 1 1 1 0 $31,000.00 40.00% 5
Philip Cole 2 2 2 4 3 $35,550.00 12.50% 16
Neil Dyer 2 2 3 1 1 $48,450.00 22.30% 9
Jason Manning 1 0 0 0 0 $11,375.00 100.00% 1
Michael Hickmott 1 0 0 0 0 $13,000.00 100.00% 1
Angela Forster 1 0 0 0 0 $17,275.00 100.00% 1
Robert Burow 1 0 0 1 0 $13,525.00 50.00% 2
Tayarn Halter 1 0 1 1 0 $16,600.00 33.40% 3
Sheila Arnold 1 1 0 0 0 $16,500.00 50.00% 2
Leanne Gillett 1 1 1 1 1 $18,100.00 16.70% 6
Kerry Petrick 1 2 0 1 0 $20,275.00 20.00% 5
Steven Royes 0 1 0 0 0 $3,600.00 - 3
Garry Lefoe (Snr) 0 1 0 0 0 $4,000.00 - 2
Lisa Whittle 0 1 0 1 0 $4,000.00 - 2
Kevin Lamprecht 0 1 0 1 2 $3,600.00 - 4
Carl Spry 0 1 1 0 1 $6,400.00 - 4
Patrick Johnston 0 2 1 1 0 $9,800.00 - 6
Garry Lefoe 0 2 2 0 0 $12,450.00 - 6


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Rodney Robb 25 14 6 9 2 $80,700.00 34.80% 72
Kylie Kennedy 12 11 4 5 1 $47,345.00 31.60% 38
Troy Kilgower 12 22 19 21 19 $59,504.00 8.90% 136
Barry Goodwin 9 8 6 3 2 $27,080.00 25.80% 35
Trevor Sutherland 9 15 12 9 4 $39,695.00 17.70% 51
Sharon Jeffries 5 1 3 1 $27,470.00 45.50% 22
John Rolfe 8 2 1 3 2 $20,650.00 40.00% 20
Rebecca Waymouth 8 6 5 12 5 $27,185.00 19.10% 42
George Wright 8 10 5 2 4 $28,620.00 20.60% 39
Peter Sinclair 3 7 1 1 $30,260.00 34.80% 23
Peter White 6 0 2 2 0 $12,743.00 54.60% 11
Robert Kingston 6 4 0 0 0 $14,390.00 60.00% 10
Kelvin Southey 6 5 1 4 0 $16,282.00 31.60% 19
Reg Manning 6 6 3 7 7 $21,035.00 14.00% 43
Carolyn Knight 5 1 1 0 0 $10,243.00 71.50% 7
Don Dwyer 5 3 2 3 0 $13,360.00 27.80% 18
Frank Manwaring 5 6 7 7 3 $2,840.00 17.30% 29
Connie Greig 4 8 6 6 6 $22,770.00 11.50% 35
Debbie Prest 4 13 15 15 12 $22,180.00 5.00% 80
John Wearing 3 5 0 3 $2,077.50 31.30% 16


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Rodney Robb 25 14 6 9 2 $80,700.00 34.80% 72
Kylie Kennedy 12 11 4 5 1 $47,345.00 31.60% 38
Trevor Sutherland 9 15 12 9 4 $39,695.00 17.70% 51
Sharon Jeffries 5 1 3 1 $27,470.00 45.50% 22
John Rolfe 8 2 1 3 2 $20,650.00 40.00% 20
George Wright 8 10 5 2 4 $28,620.00 20.60% 39
Peter Sinclair 3 7 1 1 $30,260.00 34.80% 23
Sarah Murray-Leslie 4 1 0 0 1 $13,140.00 57.20% 7
Neil Osborne 4 1 1 0 0 $18,670.00 66.70% 6
Connie Greig 4 8 6 6 6 $22,770.00 11.50% 35
Debbie Prest 4 13 15 15 12 $22,180.00 5.00% 80
Allan Prisk 3 1 1 3 3 $10,380.00 16.70% 18
Joe Cleary 3 2 1 0 0 $7,770.00 50.00% 6
Todd Payne 3 3 3 2 1 $12,000.00 23.10% 13
Nick Olive 2 1 0 0 0 $6,720.00 66.70% 3
Steve Beattie 2 2 0 0 0 $10,660.00 50.00% 4
Darryl Rolfe 2 2 0 1 0 $6,060.00 33.40% 6
Geoff O'Brien 2 2 0 3 1 $9,880.00 25.00% 8
Luke Berger 2 2 1 1 1 $7,340.00 22.30% 9
Neil Smart 2 4 5 1 1 $9,670.00 14.30% 14


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Troy Kilgower 12 22 19 21 19 $59,504.00 8.90% 136
Barry Goodwin 9 8 6 3 2 $27,080.00 25.80% 35
Rebecca Waymouth 8 6 5 12 5 $27,185.00 19.10% 42
Peter White 6 0 2 2 0 $12,743.00 54.60% 11
Robert Kingston 6 4 0 0 0 $14,390.00 60.00% 10
Kelvin Southey 6 5 1 4 0 $16,282.00 31.60% 19
Reg Manning 6 6 3 7 7 $21,035.00 14.00% 43
Carolyn Knight 5 1 1 0 0 $10,243.00 71.50% 7
Don Dwyer 5 3 2 3 0 $13,360.00 27.80% 18
Rachael Cunningham 4 0 1 0 0 $7,860.00 66.70% 6
Mick Bell 4 0 4 5 1 $12,060.00 21.10% 19
Lisa Jones 3 0 0 1 1 $6,265.00 50.00% 6
Ray Caldwell 3 1 0 0 1 $6,380.00 60.00% 5
Mick Sell 3 1 0 3 2 $7,668.00 27.30% 11
Christopher Davis 3 1 2 0 1 $7,478.00 33.40% 9
Gerald Egan 3 2 1 0 0 $7,655.00 50.00% 6
Ron Stephens 3 4 3 3 1 $11,676.00 16.70% 18
Paul Kramer 2 4 0 0 0 $7,200.00 25.00% 8
Gavin Bedggood 2 4 2 0 1 $8,380.00 16.70% 12
Neil Robb 2 7 9 8 15 $21,742.00 2.90% 71


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Frank Manwaring 5 6 7 7 3 $2,840.00 17.30% 29
Tracey Leake 4 1 1 2 1 $1,265.00 40.00% 10
Phillip Owens 4 2 2 3 1 $1,780.00 17.40% 23
John Wearing 3 5 0 3 $2,077.50 31.30% 16
Cam Tindall 3 0 2 2 1 $790.00 33.40% 9
Robyn Brown 4 3 1 0 $2,157.50 28.60% 14
Annetta Robertson 2 0 0 0 0 $615.00 100.00% 2
Robbie Macintosh 2 4 2 5 3 $1,300.00 9.60% 21
Colin Delahunty 2 5 4 7 2 $1,620.00 7.20% 28
Kevin Hicks 1 1 0 0 0 $325.00 50.00% 2
John Delahunty 1 4 6 4 11 $1,480.00 2.90% 35
Liz Godfrey 0 0 0 0 3 - 10
Brett McGuire 0 1 0 1 0 $160.00 - 5


Trainer Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Prize Money Strike Rate Runners
Julie Walsh 4 0 1 2 0 $9,310.00 57.20% 7
Steele Casey 4 1 1 1 3 $32,750.00 40.00% 10
Miles Bain 3 2 1 0 0 $7,860.00 50.00% 6
Jacquelyn Scott 3 6 10 2 2 $18,675.00 12.00% 25
Dennis Couper 2 0 0 0 0 $4,620.00 100.00% 2
David Smith 2 0 0 0 0 $8,400.00 100.00% 2
Craig Wendt 2 1 0 1 0 $5,175.00 50.00% 4
Ray Malpass 2 2 0 2 0 $11,930.00 33.40% 6
Graeme Hammarquist 2 2 1 1 0 $6,460.00 33.40% 6
Monique Campbell 1 0 0 0 0 $1,980.00 100.00% 1
Keith Reeves 1 0 0 0 0 $3,500.00 100.00% 1
Jeff Noske 1 0 0 0 1 $2,310.00 50.00% 2
Alan Mcnamara 1 0 0 1 0 $2,000.00 50.00% 2
Neil Biggs 1 0 3 2 2 $6,260.00 10.00% 10
Eddie Philp 1 1 0 0 0 $2,580.00 50.00% 2
Kylie Deane 1 1 0 0 0 $4,275.00 50.00% 2
Terry Brennan 1 2 0 0 0 $8,950.00 20.00% 5
Beth Gandy 0 2 0 0 0 $1,550.00 - 2
Chris Gilbert 0 2 0 1 0 $2,990.00 - 5
Peter Moses 0 2 1 1 1 $4,780.00 - 7

Last Updated at 2021 Aug 20 01:43:30 (source:

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